Baobab Trees at Sunset

baobabs.jpg (60 KB)

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  • Vault

    Vault.jpg (361 KB)

    Photoshop: A powerful tool

    Flatjedi47c4cc226165f.jpg (40 KB)

    God Bless America

    DeadDragon452536b25669c.jpg (45 KB)

    Rolling Bench

    rolling bench.jpg (98 KB)


    After a rainy day, this is the place for you!


    tetsuo_d.jpg (200 KB)

    Myspace Strikes Again

    1200586492907.jpg (70 KB)


    I bought this tiara cause I have always wanted one

    IRS Pencil Sharpener

    IRS Pencil Sharpener.jpg (77 KB)


    It Figures.

    Cpl. Hicks

    hicksdwayne.jpg (89 KB)

    From one of the greatest movies ever.

    Shell factory

    2505_37_mm_armour_piercing_aluminum_castings_in_a_factory_1942.jpg (60 KB)

    Unimpressive Six-Pack

    sixpacktp6.jpg (17 KB)

    So i heard you like them…

    Mudkipcar.jpg (51 KB)


    Also there is a longcat in there. A glorious homage to memetry.

    Attention to Detail

    motivator6839276ry6.jpg (106 KB)


    That’s not a Falcon!

    Dive Class


    icy pier


    Sexy Bush


  • Burgler Trap


    Maxwell Smart


    Pail O Pups

    Pail Full O Pups.jpg (53 KB)


    So cute it makes you want to light yourself on fire!


    faith+1.jpg (261 KB)

    html tits code

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    Beetle Transportation Vehicle

    photo281-1.jpg (117 KB)


    What better way to transport your ATV than to put it on your circular roof?


    How the hell did they get it up there?!

    Don’t let women drive or handle your magnetic discs

    disc.jpg (54 KB)


    Hello dear, I found the disc you were so frantically looking for yesterday

    Taken from “Passive Aggressive Notes”

    Akroma, Angel Of Fury , Magic The Gathering Card Original Artwork

    Akroma_Angel_of_Fury_Daren_Bader.jpg (94 KB)


    She has protection from Blue, White, flies, strikes first, tramples and hits harder the more red mana you pump into her. Delicious!

    Magic The Gathering Official Website


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    I can almost hear the alert noise from MGS

    The Gun Show

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    At this point it’s getting hard to remember which pictures I got from here.

    Shocked Puppy

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    Oh exploitable

    Leibowitz Disney pictures

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    kingarthur1PA_1200x779.jpg (109 KB)


    Here’s a couple more of the Disney ads shot by Annie Leibowitz that Tiki posted.


    The first is Rachel Weisz; the second is Roger Federer.

    Accidents Happen

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    Diving Facial Expressions

    diving3.jpg (17 KB)


    diving4.jpg (22 KB)


    diving9.jpg (22 KB)


    lol the asian guy…

    Flag of Nepal

    Nepal.png (30 KB)

    I wonder how things are going over there…

    Uranium ore now available from!

    41KH6M0LWJL__AA280_.jpg (54 KB)

    Found this on Amazon. Think I will order this instead of the cat treats I was going to buy.
    From the description:
    “Radioactive minerals are for educational and scientific use only.” Really?

    Angry Apple

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    Thread Death (aka digg effect)

    threadeath.jpg (307 KB)

    biggest loser on the internet

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    I have a game.

    See how many ads of this guys you can look through before bursting out laughing.

    You HAVE to look through the entire ad before you can move onto the next one though.

    KGB: When you’re Russian for food there’s no time for Stalin

    1204001863535.jpg (31 KB)

    KGB: When you’re Russian for food there’s no time for Stalin

    WoW Virgin

    wowmalevirgin.gif (61 KB)

    Pi Pie

    p3130035.JPG (438 KB)

    Google maps drug deal

    googledrugdeal.jpg (51 KB)

    It’s no longer up on Google maps, but it is captured for posterity here.

    Bathtub Full of Ramen

    NSFW :



    NTW-20.jpg (24 KB)


    a 20mm Sniper Rifle, Fuck yes.


    Beats the shit out of:


    Early 90’s corny and Hilarious Video:

    It’s not toothpaste!

    itsnottoothpaste.jpg (23 KB)

    AK’s ‘n iPodz

    mursI-pod.jpg (57 KB)


    Found via google. think I was searching for something other than ipods, AK’s or those plate lipped people.

    papo.. erm pedobear

    p3251249k6b.jpg (97 KB)

