Fark, et al
you might have notice that the site was a bit sluggish for a while. that was due to fark linking to one of the pages on MCS. Luckily I was warned right when it happened and was able to put up some static content for them farkers to look at. If you’re new to MCS via Fark, welcome to the fold! say hello! The post that fark found so interesting was the banjo player image that was from this site here.
next theme day
inspired by someone’s submission, I’m seeking posts for the next theme day (5/1/08).  I need 47 pictures of you. Pictures of the users of MCS. if there’s at least 30, I’ll post some of my own 😉
Super Mario
1600×1200. Other sizes available at nosferatwo.deviantart.com/art/Super-Mario-Bros-HD-81438830
Steampunk Tank
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Toys
From: www.crabfu.com/steamtoys/rc_steam_lobster_tank/
Vid of it running at the bottom.
NSFW – Patriotism
Tags:Motivational Posters, NeSFW, Sexy
Hey, you know what would be a good idea? posting all this NSFW stuff over at www.randomnude.com!
Spirit within
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
Couldn’t find a bigger res.
Home Brew Transformer
Image grabbed from halbot.haluze.sk/?id=3555
Looks like it works, he’s welding with it.
The rest of the halbot.haluze.sk site is both strange and interesting, and some is NSFW with no warning. Anyone have info on what the site IS? Looks like it might be a repository of some kind, maybe it’s a site like MCS.
Spaceballs: The Humility
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Humor, Movies
If you didn’t love this movie then you should consider investing in some granny panties.
baby Salmon Pink Birdeater tarantula
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Forum Fodder, Nature
So, reboot asked for pictures of my tarantula, and I said she was just very small…. so I thought, why not take close ups? Here is the wee one – he/she has eaten only 6 or 7 little crickets so far – I included a picture of him/her with a dime to illustrate size and also one to show what he/she may look like as an adult. They say it can reach a 6 inch span in 1 year, and grow to be up to 7 -10 inches! (7males – 10females) (Admin – you should have a category – not all of them are cute as hell!)
Shepard Book is Pimp
Tags:Comic Books, Fantasy - Science Fiction
A joke is a joke, rite?
I LOL’d when I saw this the first time. If anyone knows the source, do tell.
inferno was the firetruck
Optimus Prime, Jesus couldn’t turn into a firetruck.
Neither could Prime, Inferno was the firetruck.
Stamps for the time challenged
“Sorry, did not have enough time to buy stamps – here is 5 cents for your trouble” –