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  • Lena Katina

    mechanic Kittah

    Seize the Opportunity

    Because by the time they make that u-turn you’ll be going over 160 mph

    Kristin Bell – Undies

    Pin The Molotov

    Daft Punk

    daft-punk--daft_fond.jpg (23 KB)


    The Military Sucks

  • Baby’s Perfect View

    Chubby Pole Dancer

    Moped Riding Dog

    Smart Cars

    Hall Monitors

    Thora Birch – Yellow Top

    Hamburger Cake

    Bottle Of Dolphins

    double-image-illusion.jpg (103 KB)

    Or is it?

    LOST – Ben

    lostben1024.JPG (231 KB)

    The best character on the show.

    Smallville Justice League

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    The Smallville Justice League

    Impulse – Green Arrow – “Clark Kent” – Aquaman – Cyborg

    This was more of an allusion to the Justice League from the CW’s popular show Smallville. The Martian Manhunter wasn’t considered part of this team, even though he had his own episode arc…and there wasn’t even a female character!

    Guardian Angel

    watchers_in_the_night_canvas_zoom.jpg (52 KB)

    MCS Sign

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    I work on a military installation and stumbled upon this…..i’m lucky i didn’t get caught.

    WH40K wallpaper

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    Love the series. I suggest skipping Descent of Angels. Doesn’t even relate to the Horus Heresy.

    Sunset on the Pacific

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    This was taken while hiking the Olympic Penninsula at Cape Alava.

    Respiratory System

    respitory system.png (218 KB)

    Delicious Cactus

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    Kim Jong Il

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    Lunch With Jesus

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