Egging On the Autumnal Equinox

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Explanation: Tomorrow is the autumnal equinox — should eggs be able to stand on end? This long-standing myth loses much of its mystique after a demonstration that eggs can be made to stand on end during any day of the year. Pictured above, Dr. Phil Plait, acting as the Bad Astronomer balanced three raw eggs on end in late October 1998. Later, more modestly, his wife balanced five more. The little-appreciated fact that most eggshells have small bumps on them makes this seemingly impossible task achievable. Although, during an equinox, every place on Earth experiences an equal length day and night (12 hours each), this fact has no practical effect on egg stability.

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  • Cactus

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    I’m on my way to page 10!

    Cell Phone

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    Anonymous Then & Now

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    History Of Mankind

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    That pretty much sums it up.


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    Fuck yeah, Texas.

    Illegal Immigrants

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    Do Work

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    Dating Sims

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    Obama Will be President

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    Animal Rights

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    Awesome Oregon Trail

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    Bam Boom Bow!

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    Mario Says What?

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  • Perfect Woman

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    October 1st Theme Day

    Oh lordy, I know I’m a little  late announcing this, but the next theme day for October 1st, 2008 is images of your desks or workstations.  No images of your wallpapers or screenshots of whatever crappy images you have on your systems.

    We want to see your dual monitor setup with the laptop hacked in with a cat on top of  your lcd monitor.

    You upload it, and it’ll be posted October 1st.  I understand that this is somewhat of a limited notice, so if there isn’t sufficient response, I’ll put this off until November 1st, 2008, but that’ll suck, so please for the love of god, upload images of your workstation.

    Burning Bed

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    Monkey Doll

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    Toothbrush People

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    Clever Ad

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    Big Tree

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    Cum Only

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    Sleep Positions

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    Chinese Police

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    Vegetable Seat

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    That’s a big vegetable…

    Homeless Laptop

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    Grammar Joke

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    Walking Cow

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    Traffic Lights

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    Tree Chair

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    Woman’s Place

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    Naughty Boy

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    New Hampshire

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    Obama 2008

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    That’s how it pretty much is like…


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    Why /b/ Sucks

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    Interesting Architecture

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    Floating Chair

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    Happiness Venn Diagram

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