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  • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

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    Only one of the best movies ever made, not even joking!

    Ilsa. A Nazi for the whole family!

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    Legend of the Lone Ranger

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    This is, by far, the worst movie I have ever seen.

    I have seen many bad movies, and found at least one redeeming moment or character. This movie has none of that.

    Sometimes a bad movie gives you some satisfaction in seeing the end. This movie does not have that either.

    This movie leaves an aching in your soul that says, “receiving ass sex from a mountain gorilla really would have been better, why the hell did I just watch this movie?”

    Of course, if you must buy a Christmas gift for someone that you really do not like… then this could be the perfect choice. Enjoy.

    Cannibal: The Musical

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    Trey Parker’s First Feature





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