STILL walking to Hal…

2001-spacesuit1.jpg (101 KB)

Fecking long hallway…

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  • Linux censored

    a310kk.JPG (85 KB)

    Phillipine Beauty

    pretty philippine horse.jpg (72 KB)

    More than a handful?

    2yltyfn.jpg (41 KB)

    Ronald McCannibal

    Ronald-McCannibal_500x500.jpg (34 KB)

    He makes your burgers good

    Life in 4 bottles

    198204.jpg.png (136 KB)

    Keep Mum, She’s Not So Dumb

    20090129_PIC-0128.jpg (72 KB)

    Snapped this at an airshow goodie stand last year

    Kiss my ASS Lottery

    DSC_0108.JPG (96 KB)

    Sometimes “Sorry, try again” just isn\’t good enough.

    Geek 1.0 and Geek 2.0

    10756.jpg (48 KB)

    The evolution of the geek.

    Betty Davis would so kick your ass!

    betty davis.jpg (66 KB)

    betty davis 2.gif (56 KB)

    BettyDavis 3.jpg (41 KB)
    She brought the funk. And supposedly she had an affair with Jimi Hendrix. And also, she could kick your ass.

    Big Booty Couple

    Ilike.jpg (74 KB)

    ♪ I like big butts and I can not lie ♫
    ♪ You other brothers can\’t deny ♪♫♫
    ♪♪ That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist ♪♫♫
    ♪♪ And a round thing in your face ♪♫♪
    ♫♫ You get sprung! ♪♪

    Gross Cake

    gross.jpg (43 KB)

    Make yourself useful and wipe my butt!


    Ciaphas Cain.png (454 KB)

    I just read Hero of the Imperium. Discuss.

    Pee to believe

    pic0130091.jpg (79 KB)

    One of our local gas station chains loves to pun…

    Peruvian Coke

    Picture 008.jpg (237 KB)

    more popular in peru than coke! officially, the flavor is banana with lemongrass.

    Bacon Man

    bacon elemental.jpg (665 KB)

    A pirate walks into a bar


    A pirate walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender looks down and says, ‘Do you know that you have a steering wheel in your pants?”

    The pirate replies ‘Ay, it’s driven me nuts.
    DeadDog » DeadDog Archive » Pirate Humor


    Please go rate this post on

  • there’s an Alien in my building!

    alien-statue.JPG (767 KB)

    yea there is… cool dude!

    Terminator / Dollhouse OPEN CHAT

    I’m going to be drinking vodka, eating hotdogs and tater tots and watching Terminator and then Dollhouse.



    Happy 1234567890 Epoch time (EST)

    screenshot-unix_epoch_2009-02-13_1631.png (115 KB)

    “wait for it… wait for it… almost… aha! there we go!”

    Eating Batteries

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    work valentine

    workvalentine.jpg (518 KB)

    i got this from a girl at my work. she’s engaged. should i a) report to HR b) pursue c) fap

    Eliza Dusku Dollhouse Promos

    61938_Eliza_Dusku_Dollhouse_Promos_LQ-12_122_188lo.jpg (121 KB)

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    Metal Gear Solid: all cast

    CHAR_ALL_16.GIF (116 KB)

    the whole cast chart of metal gear solid

    Bunny Bath

    wetbunny.jpg (814 KB)

    A fortune cookie you don`t want to receive on February 13th

    fortune.jpg (138 KB)

    “There is a nasty breakup in your future.”

    please mr miyamoto, sign my psp!

    imagen1apm52fx6.jpg (87 KB)

    shigeru miyamoto: “get the fuck out!”

    monster hunter

    monster-hunter.jpg (175 KB)

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    capcom\’s monster hunter wyverns are just awesome

    Damn son, what you know about my bling teeth!?

    n54904790_31142750_4055.jpg (49 KB)

    Bling! Teeth

    Collect All 10!

    Oh Those Spartans!

    spartan love.jpg (333 KB)

    our secret.jpg (193 KB)

    Oh chief!.jpg (328 KB)

    Eliza Dushku

    Eliza_Dushku.jpg (63 KB)

    I can almost forgive her for “Tru Calling”. Especially if Dollhouse doesn\’t suck.

    The Legacy of George W. Bush

    The legacy of G W Bush.jpg (22 KB)


    Model Airplanes

    00253u.jpg (675 KB)

    Model airplanes decorate the ceiling of the train concourses at Union Station in Chicago, Illinois. Jack Delano, 1943.

    Mickey Mouse Prime

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    Colourful – Mickey Mouse and Optimus Prime
    Monochromatic – Old Mickey Mouse and Optimus Prime

    Fuck yes.

    Redneck Mech

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    This should be up on blocks.

    Trap Bedroom

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    coincidence.jpg (88 KB)

    It\’s less likely than you think.

    Vertical Descent

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    Antigravity in very vertical way…

    Creative 404 Pages

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    A few 404 pages I found, more here:

    The Tick!

    Cast Shot.jpg (89 KB)

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    AMC Pacer: Center of the Known Automotive Universe

    pacuni.jpg (179 KB)

    Saw this online somewhere

    Happy Toilet

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    In St. Paul, MN.


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    By G. Brom

    Presidential Lunch

    President Bush is hosting a lunch this month with President-elect Obama and all the former presidents.

    Bush said, ‘I invited all 43 guys, but only four responded. He doesn’t know what happened.

    – Conan O’Brien
    DeadDog » DeadDog Archive » Presidential Lunch


    Please go rate this post on

    Good in Snow?

    02SEMA14.jpg (134 KB)

    I wonder how it would do in our snow covered streets…

    The Fallen

    the fallen.jpg (163 KB)

    Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen — The Fallen

    Nice Name

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