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  • New Diesel Helmets

    diesel-helmet-1.jpg (21 KB)

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    Kinky as a cheap garden hose.


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    Its the music that we choose.

    Smile like you mean it

    happymander.jpg (63 KB)

    …or hiss, or nom, or…whatever.

    General Cosgrove Quote

    ‘FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to to teach these young boys when they visit your base?

    GENERAL COSGROVE: We’re going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and

    FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Shooting! That’s a bit irresponsible, isn’t it?

    GENERAL COSGROVE: I don’t see why, they’ll be properly supervised on the
    rifle range.

    FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Don’t you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

    GENERAL COSGROVE: I don’t see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle
    discipline before they even touch a firearm.

    FEMALE INTERVIEWER: But you’re equipping them to become violent killers.
    GENERAL COSGROVE: Well, Ma’am, you’re equipped to be a prostitute, but you’re not one, are you?
    Top 10 Best Comebacks | Top 10 Lists | TopTenz.net

    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    Self Replicate

    Self Replicate.jpg (219 KB)

    I have no idea where this came from.

    Red and Blue Plasma

    Red and Blue Plasma.jpg (704 KB)


    frogball.jpg (94 KB)

    Um…..yeah. Yuck.


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    AKA camel spider, found in Iraq.

    The most expensive car in the world

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    1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

    From: www.rmauctions.com/index-ferrari.cfm

    WoW x 36

    wow-36box1-1.jpg (139 KB)

    There was a pic on M[c]S of a guy w/ a wall of monitors and all his WoW accounts running. This is a screenshot from one of his raids and he was playing all 36 accounts.



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    “There\’s too much urinary freedom in this society. I\’m proud to hold it in. It builds character.”
    – Jerry Seinfeld

    Red Meat

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    I’m glad some people are vegetarians; more meat for me

  • Red Tiki

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    Swine Flu

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    Immigration officials in the Philippines wear masks to protect from Swine Flu.

    I am the Lizard Queen!

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    A Pontiac remaining

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    1969 Firebird

    Real Estate Sale Made in Heaven

    Sweet Potato Cafe.jpg (144 KB)

    We saw this while walking around downtown Ottawa. I swear its real.

    The good ole south

    Bigot.jpg (79 KB)

    Took this picture a few months ago outside of work.
    It really isn\’t advisable to take temp work in a blue state with a sign like this.
    License blade covered to protect the idiots.
    Oh well, what do you expect from Texas.
    Let the flamewars begin.

    Spirit Milf

    spirit_milf.jpg (131 KB)

    I know, it’s old.
    Was a great marketing campaign by Spirit Airlines last year.
    I took a screenshot at work and came across it again.
    Late submit, but still funny.

    The Secret German Invasion

    Census-2000-Data-Top-US-Ancestries-by-County.jpg (521 KB)

    No wonder everyone else I know speaks German, too.

    Samurai fox

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    ? what the hell is this thing?

    Scissor spiders

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    My paste functionality is broken in firefox at the moment or I would paste the link >:\

    City mantis

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    Top speed is 25!

    IRON man?

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    Ahura Mazda, Zoroas, Zoroasterian boy, Zoroasterian Wedding, and Zoroasterian burial

    More Parker Tikis

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    Jungle Tiki, Voo Doo Room Tiki, Volcanic Steam Vent Tiki, Tiki Untitled 1 & 2

    Brad Parker

    I was an awesome child

    Spider-man.jpg (50 KB)

    I used to wear that to climb trees in.

    How long can you hold your breath?

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    During a pre-race performance, escape artist David Merlini holds his breath inside a transparent aquarium filled 264 Gallons (1000 liters) of water, as he attempted to break the world record for holding ones breath underwater before the start of the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix, in Sakhir, Bahrain on Sunday, April 26, 2009. Merlini did set a new record, holding his breath for 21 minutes and 29 seconds

    Boston.com: The Big Picture, #26
    21+ minutes?!

    Iron Man 2 First Photo!

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    Director Jon Favreau also talked to the newspaper about the May 7, 2010 release, saying, “How many superheroes are open about their true identities? We wanted to play with that idea. But it obviously has consequences — in his relationships, on the team. There are a lot of areas we can explore.”

    Weeabo\’s Mousepads

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    Or maybe for perverts in general.

    Would they feel like bags of sand?

    Scary House

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    Anyone got the faintest idea where this might be? Found it randomly in an image library with no notes.

    Alaska Moose Federation

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    We’re working to keep moose off your cars!

    Legion of the Damned

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    LotD Space Marine

    Visit Mexico

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    tanlines are hot.


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    Miki Dora Giving The Bird

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    Surfers have always been rebels. Circa 1950’s.

    legs or breasts?

    When asked if I preferred legs or breasts, I told the stranger that I had a particular fondness for nice hairy pussies. He then informed me that this wasn’t an option when choosing a KFC Bargain Bucket.
    Tues May 5 – Lefturn’s Funny Shit

    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor. if you would like you can add your own jokes.

    Pro Surfer Gerry Lopez

    GerryLopezPipe.jpg (76 KB)

    Circa 1960\’s

    PSE TAC-15, Tactical Assault Crossbow

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    TAC-15 ‘Tactical Assault Crossbow’, the sort of crossbow designed for when aliens invade from another dimension. It actually replaces the upper receiver from an AR-15 so you can swap between assault rifle and crossbow with a little tinkering. The payoff is at the end when they sell you that it comes with a picatinny rail system. For, you know, when you need a grenade launcher on your crossbow.