Wasted time isn’t
Tags:Humor, Motivational Quotes, Wallpaper
Olympic mascots
Tags:Olympics 2010, Pedobear, WTF
The Gazeta Olsztynska published an image showing the bear alongside genuine Olympic mascots Quatchi, Sumi, Miga and Mukmuk to illustrate a feature about the Games.
It appears that the newspaper lifted the picture from Google Images, unaware that it had been created as a prank by Michael Barrick, a Canadian artist and graphic designer.
The Ocean; It’s Deep
The Mariana trench is the deepest part of the ocean that we know of. As the picture shows, the deepest part is approximately 36,000 feet deep and is known as the Challenger Deep. Very impressive!
Tags:Cute As Hell Animals, Robots, WTF
Wanna see a magic trick?
Tags:Comic Books, Humor, The Joker, twilight
this made me squee
Cirque de Flambé
from the show that got banned from Ballard, i’ve played with this group of insane fire freaks for 12 years.
Ape Photographer
I heard a story about how the different species of apes in this movie self-segregated off-set.
M&M Bike
Tags:Fat Shaming, Food, Humor, Sports
Dominique Moceanu
Tags:Dominique Moceanu, NeSFW, Sexy, Sports
trader vics blue hawaii
anybody ever have this stuff?
I think it goes down like cool-aid.
I only had a glass and it did the trick.
$10 for this 1.75 liter bottle which is 10% alcohol
How to Train Your Dragon
Tags:How To Train Your Dragon, Movie Posters
But yeah, I’m pumped
Professor Oak
Tags:Gaming, Pokemon, Valentine's Day
Tehee :3
Billy Mays
Tags:Billy Mays, The Terminator, Wallpaper
Let me tell you, this has not been edited, this is Billy Mays.
Tags:Batman, Comic Books, Forum Fodder