Powers: Karkas possesses various superhuman attributes apart from his superhuman strength. His thick hide can withstand concussive forces up to those of a small anti-tank missile before sustaining serious injury. His recuperative powers are about twice that of human beings. His speed and reflexes, however, are only about 75 percent of the average human male.
Abilities: Karkas has great learning abilities and total recall. His particular intellectual interest is philosophy.
Strength level: Karkas possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to lift (press) about 25 tons. Karkas has not yet attained adulthood; hence, his strength may further increase in coming years.
Weaknesses: Karkas’ lack of an opposable thumb prevents him from utilizing many ordinary tools.
Spaced: The Cast
Good British comedy, I think it rivals Fawlty Towers as the greatest British sitcom ever conceived.
Added bonus! It seems that the entire series is currently available on Hulu: http://www.hulu.com/spaced
Where your money goes when you buy a video game
I hate to know that EA will get that much money from me when I buy BC2 on Tuesday.
Mass effect 2
Tags:Gaming, Mass Effect, Wallpaper
John Wayne
Great American, or Greatest American? Either way, politics aside he was still one hell of a great actor, spokesman, and patriot. We need more people leading our country like this.
Fear and Loathing in Sesame Street
Tags:Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Movies, Sesame Street, WTF
North Korean Anti-American Propaganda
Americans: We’ll pull your teeth out & nail papers to the top of your head.
Workstations that’ll Make You Jealous
Tags:Architecture, Computers, Wallpaper
More here: http://webdesignledger.com/inspiration/a-showcase-of-workstations-thatll-make-you-jealous
pika-peeps, fuck yeah
How to make:
1. get peeps and shove sticks up their asses
2. pinch the fuck out of their lil ears
3. draw on lil pika details with food coloring
4. pika-peeps…Fuck Yeah
The legally prohibited from being funny on television tour
[edited to say: Fuck, how did I forget the link? http://teamcoco.com/ it’s officially on ya’ll]
MCS Theme Day – Original content (not my fridge).
This is the painted portion of my Tyranids army for Warhammer 40k. I assembled, modified, painted and photographed these models myself.
The Carnifex (the really big bug) is assembled with glue and magnets, meaning that all of his parts are modular and swappable. I used rare earth magnets on his arms, head and carapace to allow him to be reconfigured between battles.
Tron Legacy
Tags:Awesome Things, Movies, TRON, Wallpaper
Game on program
Check this guy out, he’s obsessed with this face and does some awesome things with it.
Football vs Hand Egg
If you think eggs are shaped like a football, you’re an idiot – the kind of idiot who thinks no one in soccer ever uses their hands.
One Less Corey
Actor Corey Haim, 38, is dead after an accidental drug overdose. A spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Coroner confirmed that Haim, who battled substance addiction for several years, was found unresponsive in an Oakwood apartment and pronounced dead at Providence St. Joseph’s Medical Center at 2:15 a.m. this morning. His mother, according to FOX station KTLA, was in the apartment at the time.
Mental calculation
“the looks on the faces of the students in this 1895 painting by n. bogdanov-belsky are wonderful. i love moments when everyone is really focused on trying to figure something out. they are counting in their heads and feeling hopeful and confident that they can solve the puzzle shown on the board if they just think a little more…
(10^2 + 11^2 + 12^2 + 13^2 + 14^2) / 365
try it – no calculating aids allowed!”
Buick Streamliner
“Mechanical engineer Norman E. Timbs created this dramatic streamliner in the 1940s. He designed the project himself which included a custom aluminum body and steel chassis. It took him over two years to finish the streamliner which in many ways was the ultimate American hot rod. (…)”
Titicus Exposicus
Tags:Forum Fodder, Harry Potter, Humor
Or Getthefuckouticus
Ice Girl
Tags:Hockey, NeSFW, Sexy, Sports, Wallpaper