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  • Lawnchair Car

    the pick of destiny movie poster

    haven’t watched this yet, is it any good?

    Chinook Landing

    Pic By: JNC
    Australian Army soldiers from the Townsville-based 5th Aviation Regiment provide the Coalition Forces in the Middle Eastern Area of Operation (MEAO) with a medium lift capability as they transport troops and equipment.  The Chinook (CH47) has the capacity to lift up to 11.7 Tons, carrying internal and/or external loads, or 30 combat troops. Over time, the Chinook has consistently proven to be a reliable and capable aircraft having been used in conflicts such as the Falklands and the Gulf war and now Operation Falconer.  The CH 47 aircraft has proven itself working with the Australian Armys 3rd Brigade in providing essential support to deployed elements as is commonly referred to as the work-horse of the Armys helicopter regiment.   While the Chinook helicopter has been in service since the Vietnam Conflict, this variant remains one of the latest additions to the Australian Armys aviation capability.


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    In Tiki God We Trust

    Damn Construction

    take a moment to click through and look at the scale of this thing.  Try to find the blue outhouse in the middle/left right above the bottom orange pit.

    Avril Lavigne – pink top

    Rocker Avril Lavigne and a friend smile and joke around as they grab coffee in Beverly Hills. The blonde and pink haired singer grabbed some groceries from a store before getting a coffee and playfully dancing and rocking out across the car park and then what seemed to be quickly chasing a shopping cart before getting into her car and heading off home.
    Picture by: Chris Pittam

    Liberian solider

    Is that common practice with the mags?  also: that camo doesn’t seem too effective.

    Governor of Florida – Charlie Crist

    He’s apparently on McCain’s “shortlist” of VP candidates.

    Life Lock Advertisement

    So this guy?  life is ruined because of identity theft.  This company?  Being sued for their business practices.

    Water Doors

    I couldn’t figure out what exactly these were for.

    Rocket Donkey

    Space Music

    C96 “Broomhandle”

    Reminds me of han solo’s gun

    World’s Largest Tire

    Clips Vs magazines

  • Oil Pump Raising

    Sandstone Pillars, Sahara Desert, Chad, 1999

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    Photograph by George Steinmetz

    Spires of eroded sandstone stand like ancient pillars in the red dunes of Chad’s Karnasai Valley in the central Sahara desert. Fierce winds, punishing sandstorms, and occasional douses of rain are slowly turning these rock formations back into the sand from which they were made.


    Rainbow in the clouds

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    Another pic of Bariloche, Argentina.
    Hope you enjoy it.


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    A Lappet-faced Vulture chase White-backed Vultures away from an Impala carcass. (Kruger National Park, South Africa). It was very difficult to get good photos at this sighting due to the amount of dust and the tall grass.
    The Lappet-faced Vulture has a powerful beak and other vultures often rely on the Lappet Lappet-faced Vulture to tear open the skin of a carcass. This vulture is between 78 and 115 cm tall and has a wingspan of 3 meters. The Lappet-faced Vulture is endangered in South Africa.

    Bug machine

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    M51 Hubble Remix

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    Explanation: The 51st entry in Charles Messier’s famous catalog is perhaps the original spiral nebula – a large galaxy with a well defined spiral structure also cataloged as NGC 5194. Over 60,000 light-years across, M51’s spiral arms and dust lanes clearly sweep in front of its companion galaxy (right), NGC 5195. Image data from the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys has been reprocessed to produce this alternative portrait of the well-known interacting galaxy pair. The processing has further sharpened details and enhanced color and contrast in otherwise faint areas, bringing out dust lanes and extended streams that cross the small companion, along with features in the surroundings and core of M51 itself. The pair are about 31 million light-years distant. Not far on the sky from the handle of the Big Dipper, they officially lie within the boundaries of the small constellation Canes Venatici.


    New poster for The Spirit

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    Scarlett Johansson as Silken Floss.

    The Spider-Man movie that wasn’t

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    A wishful fake Spider-Man poster from back before Raimi got involved.

    Soft skin BMW

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    The GINA, A car covered in cloth instead of metals. There’s a movie of this at the site I found it on, the car winks at you at the end of the video.

    Fishing at Sunset

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    Seeing as how others are posting their stuff, I guess it’s okay to post mine too. Photography is my passion. This was taken at Oak Island, NC.


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    “Fountain” by Marcel Duchamp, 1917, photographed by Alfred Stieglitz at his 291 gallery after the 1917 Society of Independent Artists exhibit. Stieglitz used a backdrop of The Warriors by Marsden Hartley to photograph the urinal. The exhibition entry tag can be clearly seen.

    I love Wiki.

    The Hulk VS

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    Washington DC

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    3. World War II Monument with Lincoln memorial in background
    2. Seal at front of WWII monument
    1. Lincoln memorial

    My dog

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    Zombie Pikachu

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    “I choose you, Pika-GGRAAAGLBRLARG!!!!”

    Igloo at night

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    Light seeping through the cracks in an igloo. I hope that’s just a badly built igloo.

    Metal Gear Solid 4 wallpapers

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    Snake’s journey comes to a close.

    Donkey freed from jail

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    A short clipping from Chicago Tribune.

    Jack Daniel’s Sightning

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    Damn was I surprised to see this beauty in Europe.

    Too bad it’s 34 US dollars for the bigger bottle. The same sized vodka bottle is 8 US dollars here.

    Classic Pin-up fixing cars

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    Artist: Gil Elvgren

    Capitol bldg circa 1846

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    A daguerreotype of the United States Capitol in 1846, with the original green copper dome as designed by Charles Bulfinch. Over time, extensions to both the north and south wings, made to accommodate the addition of new states to the Union, made the dome aesthetically displeasing, and as a result, it was replaced by a white cast iron dome which was completed in 1866.

    Daguerreotype credit: John Plumbe


    The Lumeneo Smera

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    It runs on an electric motor that gets 100 kilometers for 7 kilowatts. I’m kind of excited. From

    Reaper of War

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    The Grim is tasked to reap the souls of those ready to leave.

    This one, is tasked to reap those whose lives were taken by mortal war.

    400,000 Black Balls

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    400,000 black balls dropped to Ivanhoe Reservoir to save people from cancer. Planning to add 3,000,000 more.

    From Gizmondo.

    Every embryos dream

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    Stumble’d this

    The Last Starfighter

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    She won’t answer the helm! We’re locked into the moon’s gravitational pull. What do we do?

    We die.

    Pregnany Tip

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    Cutting Loose



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