CAm HOar

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  • Cam whorin’ 2

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    Brit gang-banger
    Hay man!
    Romanian Beauty

    All from my hi5 account


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    All three at work. Yes, I keep a guitar in the office. Gotta love the neckbeard look.

    Myself, Noble Sniper

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    First is with Mosin Nagant M91/30 in my apartment
    Second is with M24 and Spotter at milsim event

    4/1 Theme Day

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    some of my camwhore pics over the last year

    Tiki Is A Cam Whore

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    I’m very serious about this. I just don’t have a shirt to wear.

    fuck I’m so poor.


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    Hey guys! How do you think my $1000000 swweatshirt looks on me? Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

    Please rate me – 1-10 – 10 being best.

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    Just wondering if I really am as hot as I think I am.

    I am not trying to get compliments – so please hold back any “you’re hot/I would fuck you” comments.

    Just rate please.

    I have always been a strict hater of fat and ugly chicks – they seem to be the ONLY ones to talk to me for some reason.

    I can understand that they need to be outgoing, but if I am as hot as I think I am – what makes them think they should try and talk to really hot guys?

    It’s like an ugly guy trying to talk to a really hot chick…

    So I would also like help explaining that one.

    I just took this picture (yes the date is 2013, stfu)

    I am not smiling because I haven’t eaten and I just raised my eyebrows a little to seem less serial killer-ish.

    Also I just got out of the shower, didn’t use conditioner and my hair is a little wet still.

    Jonas Brothers hat

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    Does M[C]S approve?

    Theme Day: goatsgomoo camwhores part 2

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    Since I don’t have many recent pictures of myself, I took one.
    See if you can identify the stuff on my desk!

    HoChunk pimpin 1975

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    yo thats me rockin wide whale purple pimp cords so poppin fresh my junk just wants to bang right out the gate you sees how i gots to restrain the lil thug to protect my peeps n shit

    MCS Theme Day: Goblin0

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    The manchild whores up your screens

    Lurking no more

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    long time lurking, partly cos I have nothing witty to say that hasnt already been said and partly because I was too lazy to retrieve my PW

    Goatsgomoo camwhoring for theme day

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    Me in the Halloween costume I made a few years ago.

    Theme Day

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    Took this one a while back. Hope it’s casemods-y enough for you guys.

    Here’s me

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    Here’s a couple of my BEST camwhore pics. XD

    the_duck’s Camwhoring Pic

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    Here I am camwhoring on the top of Hidden Peak (+11,000 ft) at the top of Snowbird in Utah. It was damn cold that day & the snow was up to my waist and didn’t let up all day.

    Spent most of my runs shoveling myself out. $30 telescoping shovel is one of the best snowboarding investments I ever made….next to my helmet, which came in handy later on that day when that tree decided to jump in front of me.

    nyokki is such a cam ho-rror

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    Over shirt $1200, bought for $5
    Cami $500, bought for $1
    Glasses $10,000, bought for $3
    Ugly White Sneakers $200, bought for $200 *sigh*
    Mask $2, given free
    Monthly IV Treatment $4000, Co-pay $0

    So M[c]S, did I get a good deal?

  • Camwhoring in Afghanistan

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    Deployed to Afghanistan this year…

    No sex since 1955

    A crusty old Marine Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young idealistic liberal ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation.

    “Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man.. Is something bothering you?”

    “Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature.”

    The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, “It looks like you have seen a lot of action.”

    “Yes, ma'am, a lot of action.”

    The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, “You know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself.”

    The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner. Finally the young lady said, “You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but when was the last time you had sex?”

    “1955, ma'am.”

    “Well, there you are. No wonder you're so serious. You really need to chill out and relax! I mean, no sex since 1955! Come with me.”

    She took his hand and led him to a private room where she proceeded to “relax” him several times.

    Afterwards, panting for breath, she leaned against his grizzled bare chest and said, “Wow, you sure didn't forget much since 1955.”

    The Sergeant Major said in his serious voice, after glancing at his watch, “I hope not; it's only 2130 now.”

    (Gotta love military time)

    via No sex since 1955 : funny.


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    MCS Theme Day: Moutarde Series 2

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    I have so many camwhoreish pictures. I’M AT THE LIBRARY IN THESE.

    Levi’s camo cargo pants

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    These are awesome!

    They are really well made because they are levis.

    I can’t even really express how nicely made these are.

    theme day

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    I wanna can cam whore too???

    CaseWhoring for the Masses

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    if these images stay in order:

    pics 1&2: Super sexy legs, ending in a sweet pair of scoots (how cute are those ears on the face on the sole?). these fur-lined pussy magnets were produced by Earth Spirit, $1.99

    pics 3&4: soft as hell cotton wonder-gear. Barack West “Change” T-shirt and generic red sweatpants, $2.46 for the set.

    pics 5&6: gnarly olive green long undershirt. feels good man. $.50

    pic 8: WAL*MART REPRESENT. workin man’s hoodless hoodie. rollin back prices to $.50

    pics 7,9,10&11: NAVY BLUE SWEATER VESTS, BITCHES. Peconic Bay Traders; Cutter & Buck. OMG ONLY $1.98 for both. got a sweet tie to go with them, thinking about going to my next job interview with it untied, to show them i can handle Casual Fridays. Also one with the tie tied, because i’m classy and shit. tie was $.50

    pics 12&13: holy shit awesome working jump-suit. doubles as night gear to help me slide in and out of cars parked on the skreets unnoticed. HELLYEAH, secret pocket for easy access to my cawk, so i can fap while i rob people. also makes riding my mo-ped extra awesome. $2.50

    pics 14-17: to score that sweet job down at the rec center, i purchased this bitching THREE PIECE SUIT that is sure to let the boss know i’m presentable and to let the ladies know i got mad /fa/ skillz. ONLY $4.00, GODDAM. Also, the tie doubles as one killer fucking ascot. Fred, eat your heart out.

    ONLY PAID $14.43 (tax exempt, bitches, because i paid with vouchers provided by the State of California.) i saved OVER $9000 in all.

    MCS Theme Day: Moutarde Camwhore Series 1

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    as casemodsy as I could get 🙂

    theme day repost

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    NoBoundaries “Revolt” zip-up hoodie
    obtained at Wal*Mart for $13.00 on clearance

    Levis bluejeans
    bought somewhere at sometime for some price

    Gnarly State Street shoes
    Payless, regularly $24.99, got BOGO 1/2 price for $12.50

    also, these are not all the same 4 images, because they are at slightly different angles.

    Theme Day: Dreth’s Camwhoring

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    I know I’m still an amateur, but there is a great master on this site and one day, I shall be a real douchebag.

    This one’s for you Casemods, I love you.

    Calvin Klein fleece white size small mens pullover shirt thingy

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    It’s like a thermal shirt, but it’s Calvin Klein – so you know it’s good.

    1970 Plymouth Barracuda

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    Not as sexy as a Chevy Chevelle and Camaro. But a nice shade of green.

    What are you wearing today?

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    Ezekial shirt, levis 514’s and adidas powerphase 2 mid’s


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    I was 14 when I took this picture.
    Sorry for the shitty quality, but I got it off hi5 (facebook but older and lamer). I have the original on a CD somewhere, but fuck me if I’m gonna look for it…

    Do you like my new threads?

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    20″ PHILIPS LCD screen for about 200$.

    Shoes I got from a guy who works at a shoe company…6.50 BITCHEZ!

    Barney Gumble tshirt for 13$… fukin’ worth it!!!!

    prescription for cyanide

    A lady walks into a drugstore and tells the pharmacist she needs some cyanide. ??The pharmacist says, “Why in the world do you need cyanide?”

    The lady then explains that she needs it to poison her husband. The pharmacist’s eyes get big and he says, “I can’t give you cyanide to kill your husband! That’s against the law! I’ll lose my license. They’ll throw both of us in jail and all kinds of bad things will happen! Absolutely not—you cannot have any cyanide!”

    The lady reaches into her purse and pulls out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist’s wife. The pharmacist looks at the picture and says, “Ohhhh. Well, now. You didn’t tell me you had a prescription!”

    via Maxim’s 100 Funniest Jokes |


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Theme day… CAM WHORING 101

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    My favorite pastimes represented in full cam whore style: Magic, Butterfly Knives, and Nunchucks… not represented here: my drawings

    Cam WHORING for 1st of April

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    Random cam whore pictures, most from last year. i can’t cam whore well, but damn i’m trying. HAH! Plus cosplay for teh lulz

    Theme Day Camwhore pic

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    i dont usually wear makeup so i did this for theme nice 🙂

    They see me posin’, they hatin’

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    Tryin’ to catch me beardin’ dirty.

    April Theme Day.

    Random boobs

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    1968 Chevy Camaro

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    Inappropriate Mickey

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    Is inappropriate

    Meanwhile in Finland..

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