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  • Installation instructions

    instructions_1.jpg (404 KB)

    I was drunk, pregnant and on the roof getting ready to throw the antenna at my spouse but then I read the instructions not to so I didn’t.

    Collagen gargoyle DERP

    mcs-derp-p.PNG (542 KB)

    In the spirit of edit/caption-worthy MCS posts.

    Perhaps a good idea for an upcoming theme day?


    college.png (268 KB)

    this is sooooo true for me


    meanwhile-in-finland-700x525.jpg (216 KB)


    Home depot bathroom today

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    Photo-0083.jpg (297 KB)

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    Did I dress /home depot/ enough?

    OM NOM

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    Goliath Bird-eating Spider (Theraphosa blondi) eating a mouse.


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    evee.jpg (107 KB)

    i figured even non poke fans could appreciate the 2nd pic

    Need a Typeface?

    typeface.png (329 KB)

    XBL Ban

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    I love Uno!!

    Missions to Mars

    mars.jpg (1 MB)

    Fat ass

    Fat ass.jpg (57 KB)

    What up, yo?

    yo.jpg (37 KB)

    We’re insignificant

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    ’tis glorious

  • My new kodak easy share c180 10.2 mega pixel camera

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    Picked this thing up for $30 at ross.

    It was $60, but I had $36 in store credit. %10 tax = $30 remainder.

    I used $30 from the remaining $100 I have after the thermal take v3 and GMC bulldozer case. I am still getting $60 back total for mail in rebates for those, as well as another $15 for the aerocool touch 1000 fan controller thing.

    I would say I’m managing my financed fairly well for being out of a job.

    Going to sell the old nikon 3200 I was using before (this one is much better) and probably break even for the camera.

    I know it’s not a great camera, but for the price?

    Everyone post your camera (with click-able links if possible)

    Sigils of Summoning

    demons.png (202 KB)


    Bacon Torch!

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    What did the Jewish pedophile say to the kid?

    What did the Jewish pedophile say to the kid?

    Wanna buy some candy?

    kari byron was preggo

    kari byron was preggo

    heavy metal

    heavy metal

    hawk with knife

    cop car stack up

    cookin with coolio

    cookin with coolio


    get online with god

    deus ex machina?

    football sausage

    follow me tights

    made in china

    dolly deathstar

    dolly deathstar

    counter troll

    red neck limo

    rat tail

    pigeon horn

    pigeon horn

    pc vs mac

    pc vs mac

    A man was at a bar….

    A man was at a bar one night and saw a beautiful redhead sitting in the booth opposite him. After about 5 minutes, he got up the guts to go talk to her. Just as he sat down, she sneezed and her glass eye flew out from her socket.

    On reflex, the guy shot out his arm and caught her eye and gave it back to her. They started talking and the redhead invited the man to go to a movie with her, then go back to her place for a nightcap. In the morning, she cooked him a big breakfast of bacon and eggs and the man said, “Why are you being incredibly nice to me? Is this the way you treat all men who start talking to you?”

    The redhead replied, “No, you just happened to catch my eye!”

    has anyone seen kyle

    has anyone seen kyle