Return of the UID / I’m buying a house / maybe

heeeey guuuuy, I have things to say at you:

1 – UID has returned on the single pages.

2 – comment rating is returned from the void.

3 – comment drop down is on pages that are younger then 5 days.  I was going to put it on all of them, but it’s killin the (cheapass) server we’re on here.

4 – going to make it so you don’t have to register to comment, but that you can’t impersonate someone that IS registered.  that’s my task for tonight…


I’m buying a house.  To do this though, I need money to put down on it, and oddly enough, people complained when I removed the old ‘buy me a beer’ paypal button, so I added back another one.  I’m shootin for $5k down on the house, and since there’s over 1.5 to 3 million page views a month on mcs…hopefully it won’t take a long time to hit that mark.  If/when I hit that goal, I’ll remove all the adverts on MCS until 2010 and see about upgrading the server to something that won’t shit its pants when digg comes sniffin around.  Donation amounts are to be considered advertising revenue, as your name will be listed in the sidebar for everyone to marvel over.

Remove all ads for just $2 a month!

  • hooked on phonics

    18-04-09_0856.jpg (97 KB)

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    Skinner Van

    skinnervan.jpg (385 KB)

    All it\’s missing is “Free Candy” painted on the side . . .

    Sailor Jerry

    Sailor_Jerry_Navy_Rum_by_Zombri.jpg (103 KB)

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    Just bought the above handle as a final farewell to the US of A.

    My Doggie

    Jack.jpg (80 KB)

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    Thought I\’d follow the trend casemods started and post some pictures of my doggie

    TacoTime Goodness!

    tacotimegoodness1.jpg (355 KB)

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    Available only in Canada?

    Homo Sapiens


    A Dark Sky Over Sequoia National Park


    The above 360-degree digitally stitched panorama, taken in mid-July, shows the view from 4,400-meter high Mt. Whitney in Sequoia National Park, California.

    Super Sized

    Last Meals


    A series of documentary photography of the meals selected by prisoners before their execution.

    Damn Cool Pics

    Green Corona

    IMG00399-20090726-1649.jpg (473 KB)

    It looks better than it tastes.

    Jhonen Vasquez

    jthm.jpg (51 KB)

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    Johnny The Homicidal Maniac
    Invader Zim

    Anyone else enjoy Jhonen\’s work?

    KFC tortures chickens!!!

    kfc tortures.jpg (37 KB)

    bon appetit!

    Michelle and Carla

    michelle_and_carla.jpg (170 KB)

    What are they talking about?


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    extremely awesome/gay birthday cake

    p8271801xhcs.jpg (433 KB)

    Happy 23. Birthday, Simon! C;

    Poison Ivy

    ivy.JPG (75 KB)

    I found this from a link from the batman blog. I think the artist is on the picture. She\’s my favorite comic character. I wish comics were painted like this all the time.

  • Death Korps of Krieg

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    Myself (Commissar), my brother, and my best friend went to Comic-Con as Death Korps. We ended up with a bunch of other 40k pre-enactors, and were generally awesome all over the place.

    Some more pics..

    OMG it SPins, OMG its fire

    omg.JPG (60 KB)

    Meme marriage. OMG IT SPINS meet OMG ITS FIRE.

    George Lucas Paper Bag Puppet

    lucas.jpg (82 KB)

    Man, he screwed up the prequels.

    Internet Security in Boston is VERY serious.

    id17234.png (127 KB)

    Or the new virii from Boston are just THAT bad.

    RIP Ted Kennedy

    ted.jpg (31 KB)

    Rest in Peace Senator Edward M. Kennedy

    Who\’s awesome? You\’re awesome! (v.2)

    whos-awesome-casemods.JPG (55 KB)

    Reminding all you ladies out there why you fell in love with casemods in the first place!

    Sand Crop Circles

    Damn Cool Pics

    more VB

    vb skull.jpg (433 KB)

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    no, really, it\’s a panda

    pandadog.jpg (87 KB)

    I swear.

    Cool volvo. Old, with racing rims (kinda wtf but still cool)

    vox_amazon_01.jpg (404 KB)

    Not sure I agree on the rims (I would go with something chrome)

    But still cool as hell.

    Also the red seats don\’t work as well (what were they thinking?

    Wall-e found life

    photo.jpg (107 KB)

    wall-e found the good life on earth

    Redefining O.G.

    represent-granny.jpg (101 KB)

    Cause you don\’t mess with real Sunny Acres Gs.

    Sometimes, All It Takes Is One More Drink

    A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband, ‘When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind? The husband replied, ‘All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry. Then, as the wife undressed, she asked, ‘What are you thinking now? He replied, ‘It looks as if I did a pretty good job.

    The Trust

    100 Bullets trust.jpg (77 KB)

    100 Bullets: read it!

    Spider Jerusalem

    Spider.jpg (273 KB)

    The Lonely Island

    lonelyisland.jpg (39 KB)

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    I\’m on a boat motherfucker take a look at me
    Straight flowin on a boat on the deep blue sea
    Bustin five knots, wind whippin out my coat
    You can\’t stop me motherfucker cause I\’m on a boat


    carrot-bomb.jpg (81 KB)

    They are great for practical jokes

    SUCK the movie

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    Staring; everyone

    Cool insole art

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    DVS, globe and DC


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    My first bottle of tequila, i wish i never touched it
    liver out the window…along with a night-full worth of puke in a bucket
    in the end…its always for the LULZ !!

    oh god make it stop

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    Dog gone hair..

    animal_magic_01.jpg (27 KB)

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    These are all poodles.