Mila Kunis as Wonder Woman?

wonderMila.jpg (113 KB)

So I really liked the idea behind that fake poster that someone uploaded here the other day.. and decided that I would make an effect out of it so basicly.. you would be able to make anyone to WOnder Woman ;P

the effect

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  • Quick Theme Day Reminder

    The Theme Day: VIDEO GAMES.

    What you should do: Submit images that you love that have to do with video games.  that you love.  in bed.

    What you should NOT do: Mention theme day in the post title.

    Special Note: I’ll pick the top 3 submitters and give them a free MCS+ subscription.

    Deadline: October 1st, 2009

    EDITED TO SAY: for the love of fuck people, put the name of the game some where in the post.  post title, post content, both are good choices.  Don’t label it “epic mod” and then have a screen shot of a tree.  I have no fucking clue what the fuck that shit even means.


    Constipated Tiki

    Constipated-Tiki.jpg (70 KB)

    Sooooooo kewt

    I think someone posted one of these guys a while back, but I can’t remember what they’re called.

    Thank you, Senator McCarthy

    McCarthyism.jpg (121 KB)


    The contiguous United States, colored by distance to the nearest McDonald’s

    mcd_us_high.jpg (657 KB)

    Via <a “href=”>blogger Stephen Von Worley

    Crazy? Ig’nint?

    Photo-0115.jpg (116 KB)

    Saw this in the parking lot today.

    Grannies Protest

    500x_healthcare2092309.jpg (65 KB)

    Sorry guys, but I think health care reform is a good thing. Let the arguments commence.

    Flag of the Benin Empire

    Flag of the Benin Empire.png (14 KB)

    The Benin Empire or Edo Empire (1440-1897) was a large pre-colonial African state of modern Nigeria. It is not to be confused with the modern-day country called Benin (and formerly called Dahomey).

    Batman water gun

    bat1.jpg (16 KB)

    bat2.jpg (12 KB)

    Australian Dust Storm

    Dust storm.jpg (45 KB)

    before-after-sydney-harbour-600x400.jpg (78 KB)

    It’s like a Cheeto factory exploded.

    Martin Luther King

    image114.png (160 KB)

    He didn’t lead a major civil rights struggle and get assassinated for you to walk around with your pants around your knees

    1997 Suzuki GS500E

    Photo on 2009-09-22 at 20.23.jpg (81 KB)

    Bought it today, learning how to ride this weekend. My mother isn’t pleased.

    G-20 Security – Keep Everyone Out, Even The Participants

    3944873672_ac2d714d62.jpg (117 KB)

    The beginning of the “security perimeter” (which is the ENTIRE downtown area).

    Bad Ass Coffee

    Coffee.jpg (134 KB)


    WTF.jpg (89 KB)

    Scarlet Ibis.jpg (86 KB)

    Ostrich.jpg (38 KB)

    Giraffe.jpg (42 KB)

    Fennec Fox.jpg (72 KB)

    Went to a wildlife reserve in Napa, CA this summer with a friend, took some photographs.

    No clue what this thing is
    Scarlet Ibis
    Reticulated Giraffe
    Fennec Fox

  • CP Parking

    092209_1222[00].jpg (195 KB)


    Electric Farm

    electric plant spain

    Heaven Of Delight – Bug-Infested Art Ceiling


    Artist Jan Fabre spent four months (with his 29 assistants) gluing 1.6 Million Buprestidae beetles on the ceiling of the Royal Palace in Brussels to create the Heaven of Delight.

    Jan Fabre says he began with smaller projects and surfaces to see what him and his team could come up with and the result is this very unusual ceiling decor.

    Since beetles are a non-protected species, it was easy for Jan and his team to gather the jeweled beetles from universities and countries like Thailand where beetles are considered a delicacy.

    Damn Cool Pics: Heaven Of Delight – Bug-Infested Art Ceiling

    squid tattoo

    squid tattoo

    African Roulette

    President Clinton was being entertained by an African leader. They’d spent the day discussing what the country had received from the Russians before the new government kicked them out.

    “The Russians built us a power plant, a highway, and an airport. Plus we learned to drink vodka and play Russian roulette.”

    President Clinton frowned. “Russian roulette’s not a friendly, nice game.”

    The African leader smiled. “That’s why we developed African roulette. If you want to have good relations with our country, you’ll have to play. I’ll show you how.”

    He pushed a buzzer, and a moment later six magnificently built, nude women were ushered in. “You can choose any one of these women to give you oral sex,” he told Clinton.

    This gained Clinton’s immediate attention, and he was ready to make his choice, when a thought occurred to him. “How on earth is this related to Russian roulette?”

    The African leader said “One of them is a cannibal.”


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Net Worth

    Net Worth

    masterchief is sad

    masterchief is sad

    latex hood ornament

    latex hood ornament

    IE6 usage reasons

    IE6 usage reasons

    goteborgs rape

    goteborgs rape

    elderly fencing

    crooked toes

    crooked toes


    What is MCS+?

    1.) gives you access to all upcoming posts (future posts ftw, there’s about 50-60 of them right now)

    2.) access to a list of all the most recent comments (used to be free, but fuck that)

    3.) and no advertisements. (yeah I know you can do this yourself, but it’s nice to play nice)

    Everyone that donates to the tiki house fund gets in, once the tiki house fund is done, it’ll be $25 per year.  Those of you that donated with a different email address than you have here on MCS should contact me and I’ll get you set up.  Email me with the email address that you paypal’d the money from.  This is all manually done right now, so please cut me some slack if you don’t get plussed immediately.

    Other than the quickest way of paying Tiki $25, you can get on the ‘top 10 commenters’ list, or perhaps one of the better theme day submissions will get a free MCS+ upgrade.


    walking man sign

    walking man sign

    25 ways to tell you’re grown up

    25 ways to tell you're grown up

    Venerable Gorilla

    white gorilla
    Albino Gorilla
    I don’t know if this is snowflake or not.

    beached dildo

    beached dildo

    The Hills-DeCaro House

    The Hills-DeCaro House

    Shaft Off Camera

    Shaft Off Camera

    muslim drivers

    muslim drivers

    Military Bonus Requirement

    The Pentagon recently found it had too many generals and offered an early retirement bonus.

    They promised any general who retired right away, his full annual benefits plus $10,000 for every inch measured in a straight line along the retiring general’s body between any two points he chose.

    The first general accepted. He asked the pension man to measure from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. Six feet. He walked out with a check for $720,000.

    The second general asked them to measure from the tip of his outstretched hands to his toes. 8 feet. He walked away with a check $960,000.

    Meantime, the first general had tipped off the third as to the additional bonus check.

    When the third general was asked where to measure, he told the pension man, “from the tip of my penis, to the bottom of my testicles.”

    The pension man said that would be fine, but he’d better get the Medical Officer to do the measuring.

    The Medical Officer attended and asked the general to drop his pants…he did…. The Medical Officer placed the tape on the tip of the general’s penis and began to work back.

    “My God!” he said, “where are your testicles?!”

    The general replied, “Back in Nam!”


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    large banana or small keyboard

    large banana or small keyboard