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  • Ham Snack

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    mmmmmm, ham snack! made in brazil

    The Real Pedobear

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    Call in Gay!

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    Your pay is docked. Sick-yep, vacation-yep, bereavement-yep, no provisions for being gay. Now get to work.

    Ghetto Chic: the Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra Louis Vuitton Limited Edition

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    Ladies and gentlemen, behold the very definition of ghetto chic: the ‘89 Oldsmobile Cutlass Siera Louis Vuitton Limited Edition, decorated and driven by Steve LaNasa:

    this is my car. It all started when the hippie who lived in the apartment behind my house lost his car. As in misplaced. When the cops showed up three weeks later to inform him that it was parked on the next block over, he graciously sold it to me for the low, low price of 250 bucks, having bought a new car in the interim. I promptly scraped off the 800 bumper stickers and went to work. First, I took it to Earl Scheib and had it given a heavy coat of “Chocolate Glitter.” Then I painted the trim, wheel holes, the dash, steering wheel, and all the other interior with a heavy coat of gold enamel. After that, I spent a week in the garage stenciling the logos on with gold spray paint and gold leaf. A quick top-coat at Earl’s and I was good to go. So far, it’s been a really bad influence on me…whenever people take my picture in it, I just can’t seen to keep my finger out of my nose. And when folks pull up next to me at the stoplight and start revving their engines, I just want to floor it. And sometimes I do.

    (Note the broken grill)

    Pinch Me

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    America -v- Murrica aka Dumbfuckistan

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    Found on /b/

    LAN Party

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    Cat Council

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    In Eastern European countries, they call this a cat council. When cats gather around one person like that.

    Photo by Andrea Galvani

    Boat Party

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    Boat Party called “Hardi Gras” on Hardy Dam in Newaygo, MI

    Mort’s Face Revealed

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    Burned Lower Half Of Mort’s Face Revealed In ‘Bazooka Joe’ Stunner

    Worlds Tallest Bridge

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    some where in France I think

    Flat Lightbulb

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    Bloody Brilliant – it won’t roll, cheaper to package, cheaper to ship and you can stack them. I imagine manufacturing these is quite expensive though.
    Taken from:

    Rapture finally happened!

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    And all the religious wackos are gone. God bless god.

    Cracker Car Alarm


    Doesn’t even run on batteries!

    Vacation home

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    I have no idea where this is

  • Tank Vs Jeep

    Tank Vs Jeep

    Sweet Ass

    Sweet Ass

    People With AIDS Plaza

    People With AIDS Plaza

    Monster Killer

    Monster Killer

    Domo Interview

    Domo Interview

    Cloud Ceiling

    Cloud Ceiling

    Christian World Conquest

    Christian World Conquest

    A Special Hell

    A Special Hell

    sarcasm and stupidity meet at the elevator

    madam mirage

    madam mirage

    Stretch Coach

    Stretch Coach

    Shuttle Launch Pad

    Shuttle Launch Pad

    Sex Makes Babies

    Sex Makes Babies

    Lincoln Cents

    Lincoln Cents

    Fuck you begger

    Fuck you begger

    Frog Buddies

    Frog Buddies

    Dual Stars

    Dual Stars

    9000 Penises On The Internet

    9000 Penises On The Internet

    Impala Cleaning


    7 of 9

    7 of 9

    36th Chamber of Shaolin

    36th Chamber of Shaolin

    high speed typist

    high speed typist

    bugatti veyron 2007

    bugatti veyron 2007

    Ying yang Egg

    Ying yang Egg

    Window Gunner

    Window Gunner

    Water Spots

    Water Spots

    Texas Map

    Texas Map