Afro Samurai

Afro Samurai1.jpg (239 KB)

Afro Samurai2.jpg (95 KB)

Afro Samurai3.jpg (548 KB)

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  • We are the Strange

    We are the Strange1.jpg (976 KB)

    We are the Strange2.jpg (258 KB)

    We are the Strange3.jpg (414 KB)

    We are the Strange4.jpg (591 KB)

    We are the Strange5.jpg (189 KB)

    This is a video game inspired, animated film made by one guy. He also created a new genre called Str8nime. A combination of 8bit, anime and other curious things.

    Tales of Vesperia

    Tales of Vesperia1.jpg (140 KB)

    Tales of Vesperia2.jpg (145 KB)

    Tales of Vesperia3.jpg (92 KB)

    Tales of Vesperia4.jpg (110 KB)

    Twisted Metal Black

    Twisted Metal Black1.jpg (125 KB)

    Twisted Metal Black2.jpg (103 KB)

    Twisted Metal Black3.jpg (299 KB)


    Yakuza1.jpg (63 KB)

    Yakuza2.jpg (106 KB)

    Yakuza3.jpg (179 KB)


    akuma.jpg (221 KB)

    big daddy.jpg (51 KB)

    bob_ombs_Badass_Super_Mario_desktop_wallpapers-s1920x1080-22548-580.png (158 KB)

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    chun-li.jpg (181 KB)

    Here are some cool game pictures.


    build.jpg (50 KB)

    this is how real engineering works

    MGS 4

    Theboss.jpg (755 KB)

    Tetris World

    Tetris world.jpg (254 KB)

    Space Pacman

    Space pacman.jpg (370 KB)

    Super Mario Background

    smbwp-1600_1200.jpg (689 KB)

    Stylistic Mario

    realistic-ish mario.jpg (826 KB)

    Realistic Mario

    realistic mario.jpg (406 KB)

  • Epic Mickey – Part 1

    Mickey1.jpg (228 KB)

    Mickey2.jpg (35 KB)

    Mickey3.jpg (149 KB)

    The first picture is a teaser for this new game they’re supposedly working on, called Epic Mickey. The other two are concept art by Fred Gambino. The game is “more or less confirmed for the Wii”, and the project is headed by Warren Spector, whose studio was acquired by Disney in 2007.

    Mario Kart

    mariokart2.jpg (578 KB)

    Mario-Kart-nintendo-116974_1024_768.jpg (136 KB)

    kart-racing.jpg (379 KB)

    Rejected Abstinence Signs

    * Abstinence: Give Yourself a Hand!

    * I say zip it — zip it good!

    * Just because it’s the most pleasurable sensation you’ll ever feel in your lifetime doesn’t mean you should rush right out and experience it.

    * Hey, do you want Ken Starr all over your ass?!

    * Wham, Bam, Thank You Hand!

    * Just Say Whoa!

    * The Pope does it — now *you* can, too!

    * Abstinence: It’s not just for quarrels anymore!

    * Leave It Near Beaver

    * Don’t think of it as less sex — think of it as more time to watch “Babylon 5? reruns.

    * You’ve come a long way, Baby — for nothing!

    * Abstinence: No f**kin’ way!

    * Spend a little time away from the orifice.

    * “Hello, this is President Clinton with an important message for young people…”


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    Mortal Kombat

    mk1-flyer02.jpg (228 KB)

    vsmedmiosmkdeception.jpg (300 KB)


    Moonwalker.jpg (147 KB)

    house vs xibit

    house vs xibit



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    alcoholic or editor

    alberta lamb cuts

    alberta lamb cuts

    You know who else used AdBlock – The Nazis

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