Christopher Walken Mask

christopherwalkenmask.jpg (470 KB)

Just in time for Halloween!

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  • Zombie Nom

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    The Battle Is On

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    This one`s for the “people in churches who visit MCS”.

    A Snowy Virgin

    An attractive young lady with raven-black hair and wide eyes approached the gates of Heaven. Looking her over, St. Peter said, “And may I ask, young lady, if you are a virgin?”

    “I am,” was her demure reply.

    Not wanting to appear distrustful but having to be cautious, St. Peter called over an angel to examine her. Several minutes later the angel returned.

    “She’s a virgin,” the angel stated, “though I’m obliged to inform you that she *does* have seven small dents in her maidenhead.”

    Thanking him, St. Peter took his place behind the ledger and faced the girl.

    “Well, miss, we’re going to admit you. What is your name?”

    She replied sweetly, “Snow White.”


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    boogerman background.jpg (194 KB)

    One of my favorite videogames ever. and a damn fun sega game. along with the afore submited sega images.

    Death Cap?

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    Post your grape.

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    I lol’d

    Ich Tu Dir Weh

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    I have no idea who this is. I did make a 1920×1080 version for my wallpaper if anyone wants it. She’s been there a few years now.

    Splash in Emotions

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    Dethalbum II

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    Beast of an album.


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    First submission. Late to the game of the videogame theme, but the command line of the C64 reminded me of this old classic. I spent way more time on this than the complexity of the game warranted, but it was addictive, and there weren’t that many multiplayer games out there.


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    Probably the first game I ever played through. Awesome.

    The Kids.

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    Final Fantasy IX

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    Vivi. Hells yeah.
    Steiner and Beatrice – when the sideshow out-rocks the main stage.
    Zidane Tribal (the guy) and Garnet Til Alexandros XVII (aka Dagger)
    ‘nough said.
    The Four.

    Katamari Damacy

    katamari.jpg (71 KB)

  • Harold the Ghoul

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    A screenshot I took a long, long time ago. I believe it was from my first encounter with Harold, in the Hub in Fallout 1. I’ve been using Harold’s head for my avatars ever since.

    teenagers and cats

    For all of you with teenagers or who had teenagers, you may want to know why they really have a lot in common with cats:

    * Neither teenagers nor cats turn their heads when you call them by name.

    * No matter what you do for them, it is not enough. Indeed, all humane efforts are barely adequate to compensate for the privilege of waiting on them hand and foot.

    * You rarely see a cat walking outside of the house with an adult human being, and it can be safely said that no teenager in his or her right mind wants to be seen in public with his or her parents.

    * Even if you tell jokes as well as Jay Leno, neither your cat nor you teen will ever crack a smile.

    * No cat or teenager shares you taste in music.

    * Cats and teenagers can lie on the living-room sofa for hours on end without moving, barely breathing.

    * Cats have nine lives. Teenagers carry on as if they did.

    * Cats and teenagers yawn in exactly the same manner, communicating that ultimate human ecstasy — a sense of complete and utter boredom.

    * Cats and teenagers do not improve anyone’s furniture.

    * Cats that are free to roam outside sometimes have been known to return in the middle of the night to deposit a dead animal in your bedroom. Teenagers are not above that sort of behavior.

    Thus, if you must raise teenagers, the best sources of advice are not other parents, but veterinarians. It is also a good idea to keep a guidebook on cats at hand at all times.

    And remember, above all else, put out the food and do not make any sudden moves in their direction. When they make up their minds, they will finally come to you for some affection and comfort, and it will be a triumphant moment for all concerned.


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    Please add your own jokes.

    Retarded Tattoo

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    Alien wedding cake

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    I would really like to know how the filling looks.

    Mass Murderer or Excited Kid?

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    6 year old Cub Scout in Christina School District in Deleware brought a Scouting Knife to school. Stupidy ensues as common sense is thrown out the window.



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    My gift for tiki for banning b-shit.

    This is the future

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    In response to:

    this was supposed to be the future

    We really are living in the future, we just haven’t noticed it yet because it doesn’t involve flying cars.

    Comic from Three Panel Soul.

    RIP Cptn. Lou Albano

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    an american as well as mushroom kingdome hero passed away recently… captain Lou “SUPER MARIO” albano

    Surfer’s Curl

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    Beautiful wave pictures

    Obama’s Other Award

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    From Time Photo.

    Flight of the Conchords

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    Brett and Jemaine are absolutely amazing.

    Reasons a Vibrator is Better Than a Man

    * A vibrators only function is to please you.

    * They don’t watch televised sports when you want to talk.

    * They don’t talk when you want to watch a movie on TV.

    * You’ll never have to put your vibrator in your mouth.

    * Vibrators never pick their nose in bed.

    * Vibrators move.

    * Vibrators find all the right spots.

    * Vibrators don’t do household chores— but you don’t care.

    * A vibrator never leaves you or flirts with your friends.

    * Vibrators never make a mess.

    * You never worry about where your vibrator has been before.

    * A vibrator will never call out someone else’s name when it is with you.

    * A vibrator will never ask you to bring it a beer.

    * Even if your vibrator is working overtime, you know exactly where it is.

    * A vibrator is easy to turn on and off.

    * You can spend hours in a bar with your vibrator, and it will still be able to perform when you get it home.

    * A vibrator doesn’t care how long it takes to satisfy you.

    * Your mother will never ask what your vibrator does for a living.

    * A vibrator won’t get pissed of when dinner isn’t cooked.

    * Vibrators can’t get you pregnant, give you a disease, or make you watch auto racing.

    * Vibrators take up very little room on the bed.

    * Vibrators never bother you when you want to sleep.

    * Vibrators never compare size with other vibrators.

    * You’ll never have to share your vibrator with another woman.

    * Your vibrator doesn’t mind if you forget to shave.

    * Vibrators never fart in bed.

    * A vibrator won’t turn off before you finish.

    * It is ok to have more than one vibrator in bed with you at a time.

    * If you have a headache or your period, you won’t find a vibrator turned on when you get into bed.

    * Vibrators are ALWAYS hard.


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    Please add your own jokes.

    Skull Kid Maquette

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    This is a maquette I made in college of Skull Kid from Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask. My first maquette ever. Made from sculpey, chicken wire, wooden base and painted with acrylic paints. Done in class, a total of 8 hours.

    Second pic is game art of Skill kid from Major’s Mask.

    WoW – Three Worgen Moon Shirt

    Trying to get in on Three Wolf Moon cash cow?

    cock car

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    weirdness in farmington missouri…


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    Took this shot on my trip in Valencia, Spain: this is the south facade of “El Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe”, in the “Ciutat de les arts i les ciències”, by Santiago Calatrava.

    Grammar Nazi

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    Jess Dixon in his flying automobile

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    c. 1940
    Built by Jess Dixon of Andalusia, Ala. Can fly forward, backward or straight up or hover in the air. Runs on road or flys across country. 40 H.P. motor, air cooled, speeds to 100 m.p.h.

    Jess Dixon in his flying automobile


    naruto-butthead.jpg (36 KB)

    Best crossover ever

    Wolfram Alpha

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    Damn, this thing knows everything!

    Largest Lamp in the World

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    Tommy Dodgen, age 4, standing by the largest lamp in the world: Tampa, Florida

    Kung Fu Hustle poster

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    I have no idea what any of the characters mean. It’s just the most kickass poster I could find for such a kickass movie.

    Wolverine Folk Art

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    Picture taken at the Charles Theater in Baltimore.


    zombie-manger.jpg (177 KB)

    Hell yes. This made my night.

    We all know Jesus rose from the dead. Now we know why.

    Mofo zombie wisemen.

    JC got BIT!

    Avril’s Biggest Fan

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    Took this photo at Costco. Check out the little picture of Avril on the towhook.

    Night of the Living Grownups

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    Grown up’s over fifty come out Sunday Anyone under stay in