RuPaul is Beautiful!!
Seriously, if he didn\’t have a penis I would… actually, I might be able to overlook the penis thing if it was dark, I was drunk, and he was freshly shaved…
I was curious what I would find at
This is what I found. Very odd indeed.
Gruß, Ralf!
Remember- Pillage, then Burn
RPB: really pissed-off Buddy
I\’ve had this little guy FOREVER… like since I was 3. My mom said I used to call him “Buddy” because he looked like one of the neighbor kids with that name. Not really sure how I ended up back in my possession. Regardless, Buddy is pissed off.
The Replacements, Plant/Page, and Bette Midler backstage passes
The Replacements, Plant/Page, and Bette Midler backstage passes.
Random Picture blog
In honor of our favorite Random Picture Blog I googled the term and viola…. revealed it\’s pathetic head… long live MCS…
Girls with their monkey\’s on the beach FTW….
Really Poor Blacks
In before \’ZOMG UR RACIST WTFBBQ!!??!?!\’
Particularly Busty Rabbit
Here is a not yet completed painting of \’Jessica\’ She lives with my friend who does rabbit rescue.
Pabst Blue Ribbon
This one is pretty obvious, and some such will probably be submitted ad-nauseum, but it’s what came to my mind.
I used to drink this stuff by the gallon in high school; it was cheap, and went fairly well with pizza.
Ruimtelijk Planbureau
According to Google, these things have SOMETHING in common with Ruimtelijk Planbureau, The Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research.
Some lady saying something in Dutch, possibly concerned about her future.
Guy resembling Stephen Page, formerly of Barenaked Ladies with oddly pale face, sitting on piggy…
Something something cat something Amsterdam…
Metallic shield things on the River Thames…