Cthulhu is such a Star

chaos.jpg (195 KB)

Cthulhu rises after a long nap.

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  • Wonder Bread Ad from 1968

    WonderBreadAdFrom1968.jpg (136 KB)

    A pretty girl knows how to succeed
    with boys without half trying.
    But she\’s got a lot going for her-
    marvelous new cosmetics, smashing
    fashions, and Wonder Bread.
    Wonder Bread? Wonder Bread!
    Wonder\’s the neatest way to trap a boy since…well, since apples.
    Try tempting him with his favorite
    Wonder sandwich. He\’ll bite.
    And – ZAP! – you\’ve got him.


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    Elsa Hosk

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    +1 Sweden

    Bond set 1

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    designs, by Michael Gillette and Jon Gray.


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    Truck Backflip

    truck-backflip.jpg (212 KB)

    Yeah, saw it on new years.

    $5,000 Loan

    A businessman walked into a New York bank and asked for the loan officer. He said he was going to Europe for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The loan officer said the bank would need some security for the loan. The businessman then handed over the keys to a Rolls-Royce that was parked on the street in front of the bank.

    Everythng checked out and the loan officer accepted the car as collateral for the loan. An employee then drove it into the bank’s underground garage and parked it there. Two weeks later the businessman returned, repaid the 5,000 dollars and the interest, which came to $15.00.

    The loan officer said, ‘We do appreciate your business and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a bit puzzled. While you were away we checked and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000?”

    The business man replied: ‘Where else in New York City could I park my car for two weeks for 15 bucks? — DeadDog » DeadDog Archive » $5,000 Loan


    from tikiwebgroup.com

    Please go rate this post on tikiwebgroup.com

    Drive Rescue

    Drive Rescue.jpg (249 KB)

    That first step is a doozy

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    Could you?

    So, I Bought Street Fighter 4

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    what happens to you when you face C.Viper



    Wonder Woman (2009)

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    No, Logan…

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    The Magic School Bus

    Magic-School-Bus.jpg (66 KB)

    Alaska Woodland Animals

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    Protect your kids from them too!

    New Pepsi Logo

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    So true…

  • Vintage Wonder Woman

    Vintage Wonder Woman.jpg (50 KB)


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    Exoticaswimwear ice fishing team

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    Here is the Exotica Swimwear Ice Fishing team!

    Fully Loaded Chair

    fullyloadedchair.jpg (20 KB)

    Gives a whole perspective when somebody yells “Shotgun!”

    Mario Wallpaper

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    Abandoned Steel Mill

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    Went out with the girlfriend to an abandoned steel mill.
    it felt like stepping right into half-life 2.
    This is what i do during the day.

    WTF Survival Kit

    childrens_survival_kit.jpg (160 KB)

    Dragon Car

    dragon car.jpg (206 KB)


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    Joseph Smith

    JosephSmith 2.jpg (156 KB)

    He was the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, also known as Mormonism, and an important religious and political figure during the 1830s and 1840s. In 1827, Smith began to gather a religious following after announcing that an angel had shown him a set of golden plates describing a visit of Jesus to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. In 1830, Smith published what he said was a translation of these plates as the Book of Mormon, and the same year he organized the Church of Christ.

    Screw Hannah Montana

    collegehumor.97c014d39ce00f294e0b32be6002d728.jpg (51 KB)

    To Bang Sue

    ToBangSue.jpg (16 KB)

    Gotta Have My Pops.

    Corn Pops.jpg (42 KB)

    What does “yellow” taste like?

    Windows Vista

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    Pubic Hair

    Pubic hair.jpg (190 KB)

    From: www.davidshrigley.com/

    Bear Prom

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    cobra commander

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    Public Urination

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    will take off

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    Touring in Milwaukee

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    Cheese factory, pretzel factory, malt house, brewery, sauer kraut, bottled beer, limberger, frankfurters.

    20,000 Posts

    Ladies and gentlmen:

    M[c]S just brok 20,000 posts, and over 147,031 comments.

    This is good, yes?

    The Horrors of WOW

    thumbs_hornoxe.com_picdump86_05.jpg (59 KB)

    An imporant message from the global entertainment industry

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    “we need the power to ban you from the internet”


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    The Sleeping Bear

    The-Sleeping-Bear.jpg (148 KB)

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    By artist Eiko Ishizawa. I want one! Coolest sleeping bag ever.


    Peppermint Patty and Marcy

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    I always knew there was something there…

    Nature in Fractalius

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    \’Nuff said.

    Oh, hai thar

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