sand storm

sand storm

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  • nintendo revolution

    nintendo revolution

    my dad molested me

    my dad molested me

    Girls are Shitty Locks

    Girls are Shitty Locks

    department of justice

    Live Bait Vending Machine

    Bait Machine.jpg (199 KB)

    Saw this outside of a gas station in norther Minnesota. I’ve never seen one of these before. Are they common? You could get: Nightcrawlers, Minnows, Leeches, and something called “Stink”.

    Banza Board

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    Skateboarding the way we used to do it.

    With METAL.

    Rust just makes it go faster.


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    Been a long time since I posted something so I shall treat you to this.

    Photobombing Vader

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    Manly Mornings

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    Cereal Box Original.jpg (198 KB)

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    Picture 1: Trace, shade and blah blah blah Teddy Roosevelt

    Picture 2: Colorize the FUCK out of this godly man.

    Picture 3: Shrink him, find a nice colour to go in the back.

    Picture 4: Add some text, some pictures and bam! Cereal!

    It’s got some poor contrast between the text and the background.

    Lil monkey.

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    I just… Ya know?

    Ice and Fire

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    Somewhere in Sweden or Iceland I believe. That’s a frozen lake they are chilling on too.

  • Five Funny Guys

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    Photoshop Graphics

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    They’re simple, but they’re good. It was just a simple graphics project, but I a hoot out of it.

    Stud Rooster

    A farmer went out one day and bought a brand new Stud rooster for his chicken coop. The new Rooster struts over to the old rooster and Says,’OK old fart; Time for you to Retire

    The old rooster replies, ‘Come on, surely you cannot
    handle ALL of these Chickens. Look what it has done to me. Can’t you just let me have the two old hens Over in the corner?’
    The young rooster Says, ‘Beat it: You are washed Up And I am taking Over.’
    The old Rooster says, ‘I tell you what, young Stud. I will race you around the farmhouse. Whoever wins gets the exclusive domain over the entire chicken Coop.’

    The young rooster Laughs. ‘You know you don’t Stand a chance, old man. So, just to be Fair, I will give you a head Start.’

    The old rooster takes Off running. About 15 seconds later the young rooster takes off running after him.

    They round the front porch of the Farmhouse and the young rooster has closed the gap.

    He is only about 5 feet Behind the old rooster and gaining fast!

    The farmer, meanwhile, is sitting in his usual spot on the front porch when he sees the roosters running by. The Old Rooster is Squawking and running as hard as He can.

    The Farmer grabs his shotgun And – BOOM – He blows the Young rooster to bits. The farmer sadly shakes his head and Says, Dammit…Third gay rooster I bought
    this Month.’


    Please go rate this post on TikiHumor.
    Please add your own jokes.

    shooped, sim city, news

    sim road island.JPG (138 KB)

    I know MCS doesn’t favor screen caps but WTF is this.
    I am DRUNK and this still screams “Sim City” there isn’t
    a reflection for the pickup truck! Is this for real!?
    Damn I hope that photo looks real when I wake up.
    I call BS and say fake in the meantime.

    I envy Wladimir Klitschko

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    I should spend more time in West Hollywood, hanging out with my, in this case not, fantasy friends.

    Theme day-particleman

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    1. Me and a friend
    2. Smokin mah cigarette
    3. erm…yah-drunkenly fuckin around on a cliffside
    4. Halloween (yes Im wearing a sundress)
    5. Swimmin

    Senta a Pua!

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    WW II Brazilian Air Force display at the National Museum of the U. S. Air Force, Dayton, Ohio.

    Photo by USAF.

    Hooters surfboard

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    São Paulo, Brazil.

    Military off-road vehicle

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    A friend of mine dropped by driving one of these. It’s awesome.

    Best Buns In Town

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    Oh the marvels of RIM technology an e-mail.


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    the 2010 release of dwarf fortress is out! rejoice!


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    Face Punch!

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    an image i photoshop, don’t worry i didn’t give that to her, she was really drunk and fell off her stool, my sad friend

    Theme Day-Late

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    I never knew how long it would take to find a picture of just myself. I know nothing of the first picture however the second was taken just after a Memorial Day trip to Knik River. For those Alaskans on here..they know how nice it is to get away for a while.


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    invisible dicks

    My new desk

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    So I finally got a decent desk in my room.

    It was 30 inches, so we had to cut it to fit in the door.

    The real story: we cut it because it had un-used space on the back side for people to use.

    It was 7 inches of un-used space that would have meant it would not have fit in my room.

    It’s still cramped as it is, but it works and I’m happy with it.

    It was in a bank, and I have taken some chairs from them before without asking. I called them up, and asked what they were going to do with it and they said they were going to throw it out anyways.

    It’s a bit damaged, and it’s cheap particle board, but it’s not bad and it’s in 100% working order. I can’t wait to use the filing system in the big drawer since I have a lot of paper work that I can finally sort out instead of just throwing random places.

    Also – possible theme day for next month? (Battle stations)


    Because Natedog demand moar Kickflip

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    June 09

    Funny Movtivational Posters

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    Midget Leprechauns!!

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    Late theme day submission. Sorry. Long time fan first time poster. Went to Vegas for St. Patty’s Day. This was the first thing I saw when I walked into the City Center. This guy is like 800 years old. Midgets. Who doesn’t love them?

    Cam Whore

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    Sorry its late was sick on cam whore day 🙁
    1st Grade was a whore back then
    @ Club
    Camping @ lake with my homie Souk
    Best Blow J ever!

    for Demon and all the LADIES….

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    Didn’t have a cockatoo, but here’s me CAMWHORING with my cockatiel…who is now dead..

    Large Hadron Collider

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    Hearing that the LHC was finally up & running, I ran across these pics from last year:

    1. omg cut the red –no, cut the BLUE wire…CUT THE BLUE WIRE
    3. Not a fleshlight, casemods
    4. Daaaaiiiisssyyyyyy…daaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiissssssssssyyyyyyyy…
    5. Why the new Enterprise’s engine room looked like a brewery
    6. Rope? Srsly?
    7. God’s peephole
    8. His Noodly Appendage

    Last pic is a diagram of the Atlas Detector from another site.

    Naked mole rat

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    Apparently they can gnaw their way through concrete.

    I’ll call this one “Bitey”.


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