In Westeros, where plots twist and turn
Added on June 13th, 2024 by tiki god on Daily Dirty Limerick
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Tags:Game of Thrones, Television
Space Tags:game of thrones, television
Tags:Game of Thrones, Television
Space Tags:game of thrones, television
In Westeros, where plots twist and turn,
George RR Martin’s words, fans yearn.
But Hollywood’s embrace,
Brings a different pace,
As they stray, the fans start to discern.
Adaptations, they claim, need a tweak,
But George, with a sigh, starts to speak:
“They forsake what’s true,
For a new point of view,
And the essence they constantly seek.”
So heed the author’s wise advice,
Stick close to the source, don’t roll the dice.
For when trust is lost,
At a terrible cost,
The fans’ love turns to cold as ice.
“World War Z” Screenshots
Added on June 13th, 2024 by tiki god on Adam Selvidge's Website
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Tags:Game Signs, Gaming, Wallpaper, World War Z
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Tags:Game Signs, Gaming, Wallpaper, World War Z
Space Tags:game signs, gaming, wallpaper, world war z