Dino Beetle

dino-beetle.jpg (111 KB)

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  • Transformers 4

    Transformers-4-promo-poster.jpg (300 KB)

    It’s real, and Bay is directing. He’s basically setting it up for the next director to make however many they can.

    Daedric Armor

    fro87.jpg (207 KB)


    BIATCH.jpg (74 KB)

    Caption Please …

    hardjob.jpg (46 KB)

    Leaking Fire

    pissingfire.jpg (42 KB)

    Window Doodles

    awesome-window-doodles01.jpg (45 KB)

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    Die Pony Die 2

    dieponydie2.gif (348 KB)

    NASA burn

    moon_landing.png (37 KB)

    I’m making an effort to avoid submitting webcomics, but this was too good to pass up.


  • All friends now

    all_friends_now.PNG (694 KB)


    blaze-t8000.jpg (534 KB)


    Model was cancelled shortly after defeat of prototype by some dude with a security-bit screwdriver set.

    The people have the power

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    Sexy toaster

    R2Ifq.jpg (24 KB)

    Quit your job

    8M9en.png (263 KB)

    MGM kitty

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    Marvel Zombies

    tumblr_m5gvr9qT7b1qhpx4lo1_1280.jpg (509 KB)

    Lady Loki cosplay

    tumblr_m5i5gvnVIM1rqnglco1_1280.jpg (207 KB)

    Sith in the sheets

    tumblr_m5dkosjGUn1r7md16o1_500.jpg (18 KB)

    Sexy communication

    GGbu6.jpg (62 KB)

    SDCC Bingo

    comicon-bingo.jpg (64 KB)

    RIP Ernest Borgnine

    Borgnine.jpg (118 KB)

    Neck kisses

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    Hummingbird in the rain

    hum.jpg (406 KB)

    Jet engine

    1337243034559jet-engine.jpg (207 KB)

    I don’t like bacon.

    h.png (224 KB)

    Temperpedic mattress

    pKtmy.png (331 KB)

    Bingo in da hood

    oiy.png (373 KB)

    Lord Bagel

    ddokL.jpg (239 KB)


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    Christian morality

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    Kitty, Kitty…

    1247857539444.jpg (84 KB)