412px-SheMayLookCleanBut.jpg (48 KB)

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  • Forever alone cat

    800px-Cats_having_sex_in_Israel.jpg (146 KB)

    2009 Called

    tumblr_lih2hhUa161qz6f9yo1_500.jpg (88 KB)

    Car Show 6

    IMG_2868.JPG (437 KB)

    IMG_2869.JPG (542 KB)

    IMG_2871.JPG (379 KB)

    Bad Guys

    Amon Goeth.jpg (39 KB)

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting.jpg (26 KB)

    Daniel Emilfork Krank.jpg (57 KB)

    Humongous.jpg (36 KB)

    Prince Nuada.jpg (154 KB)

    Amon Goeth from Schindler’s List
    Bill Cutting from Gangs of New York
    Krank from La cité des enfants perdus
    Lord Humongous from Mad Max 2: Road Warrior
    Prince Nuada from Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

    Two deer walk out of a gay bar…

    …one turns to the other and says “I can’t believe I just blew 30 bucks in there.”

    reposted from www.tikiwebgroup.com

    Better Off

    totem.jpg (165 KB)

    Adidas Forum Mids

    Adidas-Forum-Mid-Schwarz-Weiss-01.jpg (217 KB)

    Didn’t like them at first, but now I can’t see my life progressing without them.

    Jackie Chan RIP

    Jackie Chan RIP.jpg (54 KB)

    It’s so sad that he died so young. Awesome guy.

    Summer Time

    brutalrelax.jpg (82 KB)

    Brutal Relax

    Adolf Hitler

    adey.jpg (76 KB)

    shortly after he was denied entry into art school

    history major heraldic beast

    tumblr_lhsrj4MEyJ1qhf8s7o1_400.jpg (155 KB)

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    tumblr_lhz91xqQYp1qhf8s7o1_400.jpg (159 KB)

    I freaking love these things

    Tiger surgery

    tigersurge.jpg (519 KB)

    Fucking NOM!

    fish-eating.gif (931 KB)

    Big Bang poster

    bigbangpostersmall2.jpg (224 KB)

    Boobies on Google

    boobies - Google Search copy.jpg (916 KB)

    So I got curious and Googled “Boobies”. Hooters’ official web site came up 4th from the top.

  • Movie Titles

    401-the-movie-math-quiz-500x624.png (232 KB)

    Two rednecks decide to go to college…

    Two rednecks, Bubba and Cooter, decide to go to college. Bubba goes first, and he is advised to take maths, history and logic.

    – “What’s logic?” says Bubba.

    – “Well, let me give you an example,” says the professor. “Do you own a tractor?”

    – “Sure do,” says Bubba.

    – “Okay. Then I assume, using logic, that you have a yard.”

    – “That’s real good,” says Bubba, in awe.

    – “Logic also tells me that since you have a yard, you also have a house. Is that right?”

    – “Gawly!” says Bubba.

    – “And since you own a house and a house is tough to take care of by yourself, the odds are that you have a wife. Right?”

    – “Betty Mae! This is incredible!”

    – “Finally, since you have a wife, logically I can assume you are heterosexual. Is that right?”

    – “You are absolutely right! Why that’s the most fascinatin’ thang I ever heerd of. I can’t wait to take this here logic class!”

    Bubba, proud of the new world opening up to him, goes back into the hallway where Cooter is waiting.

    – “So what classes are ya takin’?” says Cooter.

    – “Maths, history and logic,” says Bubba.

    – “What in tarnation is logic?”

    – “Let me give you an example,” says Bubba. “Do you own a tractor?”

    – “No.”

    – “Then you’re gay.”

    via reddit.

    reposted from www.tikiwebgroup.com

    Detroit Fan

    detroit_fan_choking_motivate.jpg (73 KB)

    America Motivational

    america-fuck-yeah-bikini-breasts-cola-gun-big-mac.jpg (104 KB)

    Fuck Yeah!

    National Personification: THE WEBCOMIC!

    reality-hits.jpg (432 KB)

    Matter-of-Perspective.jpg (220 KB)

    sister-america.jpg (366 KB)

    Mexican-Gulf.jpg (372 KB)

    the-end-of-america.jpg (248 KB)

    “Scandinavia and the World” is a webcomic where-in the history and modern day politics of the countries are played out as if they’re all on some messed up anime sitcom (yes, not unlike “Hetalia: Axis Powers” if you know what the hell that is). Your usual Deviantard wank-fest stuff, but some of the strips are kind of funny.

    Here’s some of the ones featuring America.

    Not included: the running joke of Denmark being REALLY racist without ever realizing it. And Sweden’s sister being a total slut.

    MVC Drinks

    2ed72dbd740c581dfb3d4ec816130610.jpg (1 MB)

    Japanese JuJitsu School

    jujutsu_school.jpg (89 KB)

    c. 1920

    Briana Evigan

    briana-evigan-sexy4.jpg (209 KB)


    Ruby Tailed Wasp

    tumblr_lh31ljpUJi1qgduswo1_500.jpg (84 KB)

    Via Poculum

    Vikings, Run!!

    P1000557.JPG (141 KB)

    Car Show 4

    IMG_2851.JPG (470 KB)

    IMG_2849.JPG (376 KB)

    IMG_2850.JPG (579 KB)

    Leaves Wallpapers 4

    leaves (2).png (1 MB)

    leaves (7).jpg (633 KB)

    leaves (15).jpg (285 KB)

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    Ed and Brad

    fightclub.png (654 KB)

    Can’t touch this

    imagejpeg952.jpg (159 KB)

    Found by friends in Dodge City.


    CT1.jpg (160 KB)

    CT2.jpg (147 KB)

    CT3.jpg (189 KB)

    Great clipart-based daily comic that doesn’t seem to be around anymore.

    Lonely Room

    Lonely_Room_by_NPlusPlus.jpg (464 KB)

    Slightly haunting image of a lonely looking room.

    Photographer, Nplusplus: nplusplus.deviantart.com/gallery/7470463#/d2ktt6m

    Clan Tag

    fire-woman-SuWoO1.jpg (720 KB)

    Made a clan tag for my CS:S clan, what do you guys think?


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    F*** U Pipes

    fuck u pipes.JPG (65 KB)

    Speed Dealer Customs

    Falkirk Wheel

    FalkirkWheel.gif (1 MB)

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    Approaching_top_with_Highlands2.jpg (105 KB)

    Cog_mechanism_falkirk.jpg (582 KB)


    “The Falkirk Wheel is a rotating boat lift located in Scotland, UK, connecting the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal, opened in 2002. It is named after the nearby town of Falkirk which is in central Scotland. The two canals were previously connected by a series of 11 locks, but by the 1930s these had fallen into disuse, were filled in and the land built upon.”

    Facebook to Japan: Payback

    3.imgcache.jpg (433 KB)

    One more reason to never join Facebook.

    America: Fuck. Just……Fuck.

    what’s your middle name?



    Storminator’s Final Post NOOOOOOO!

    b _32981_.jpg (68 KB)