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Meat-scented candles

With Father’s Day around the corner, the folks behind A.1. Sauce have rolled out (what they consider to be) the greatest gift for dad’s ever: meat-scented candles. The three “meatâ?¦


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  • no sex sign

    The New X-Men

    Noodle Brain

    Natalie Alyn Lind

    The season ending of The Gifted was unexpected and awesome to see.

    WTF Is Marvel Comics Even Doing?

    I’m getting back to buying and reading comic books and Marvel has a couple nifty things going on right now: Marvel LEGACY and their digital redemption system. They’re both great ideas with some minor problems with the LEGACY idea and some pretty massive issues for the digital redemption system.

    First though, I got Punisher #218, which is is actually the first issue of this new series and comes with a lenticular cover, which is that plastic cover type of cover that as you move it back and forth it appears to move. DC is doing them right now on Action Comics to great success, but Marvel is really falling flat on their implementation, I’m finding it nearly impossible to see the Punisher part of the cover, all I’m seeing is the ‘legacy’ version of it, which features War Machine. Worst of all, as far as I can tell, this is the ONLY cover that really makes much sense for the two covers, check the full group of them out on Marvel.com (side note, I look forward to visiting that link in 2 years and seeing a 404. Corporate websites are the fucking worst at link rot.)

    Final complaint about this specific comic is that this is the cover:

     (fucking awesome Punisher War Machine Armor)

    You can clearly tell they’re showing off the classic Iron Man inspired War Machine armor. This is what they have as the big reveal after about 30 pages of build up:

     (why is his face so stupid)

    Is that the alien armor that popped up towards the end of the original War Machine series? What happened to the armor from the original War Machine or even from the cover of the book that I bought?

     (alien armor for reference, it was stupid then and it’s stupid now)



    My other compliant is about the digital redemption system they have. I’ve only done about 10 or 15 of them so far, but I think about 7 of those have ripped in some way and I had to spend about 10 minutes per redemption trying to figure out what the code is.  For the remaining ones it usually only takes about 5 or 10 tries to make it go through correctly.  Why that main times? They use duplicate looking characters, which any serious redemption program simple does not do.   The difference between 2 and Z are minor even on a computer screen, but inthe font they’re using, they’re impossible to tell apart.  Same with O and 0, S and 5, ugh.  Horribly thought out there Marvel, those duplicate looking characters need to be removed completely.

    The worst offense that the digital redemption system doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get the comic book that you’re getting the code from.  Here’s the redemption page from Slapstick #4:

    See the problem?  Why did I even bother buying the physical copy if I have to buy it again to have the full set on the digital system?

    Almost Perfect

  • The Caretaker


    The Flash The Complete Series review

    912RFMQjmL. SL1500 908x1024 The Flash: The Complete Series

    When a bolt of lightning crashes through a police crime lab, a mix of electrically charged substances bathes chemist Barry Allen, transforming him into the Fastest Man Alive: The Flash (John Wesley Shipp). As the super fast hero uses his newfound speed to fight crime, only research scientist Dr. Christina McGee (Amanda Pays) knows of the changes that have transformed Barry into his secret identity. In season one, The Flash stops a gang of art thieves, saves his ex-policeman father from a vengeful criminal, thwarts a demented electronics genius and defeats a schemer named the Trickster (guest voice Mark Hamill), among other adventures.

    I remember when this series was on TV, that first episode was absolutely amazing, but 20 years later I could only remember that one first episode. I had it on my wish list for a few years and a friend gave it to me as a holiday gift, then 8 years later I finally sat down and watched them all. Point 1 – Mark Hamil is in this series as the Trickster, a poor man’s Joker. Hamil absolutely kills it though, and it’s clear to see why he was selected to voice the actual joker in the Batman Animated Series. Another interesting Batman connection is that The Flash’s television series is composed by Danny Elfman, who had previously scored all of Tim Burton’s Batman films.

    There was obviously a decision made to make the Flash more relatable to the Batman movie that had recently come out to great success, with a majority of the action taking place at night. Readers of the comics may find this somewhat odd, as Flash isn’t known for being a creature of the night, but it helped hide some of the rougher edges of the special effects, which to be honest are well done enough that I don’t see many problems with them, though holding them up to the modern Flash tv series isn’t suggested.

    I enjoyed watching these, but I think they should have been shorter episodes and nearly every scene in every 22 episodes was on a set of some kind, even the outdoor scenes. No clue what the reasoning was for it, but it was obvious.

    people in extreme poverty

    The US is not on this because we would take up the entire screen 🙁



    I should have put this on the NSFW side, but I figured no one would wait for it to hit 100%

    Mike Tyson doesn’t understand why May 4th is Star Wars day


    Glory Hole Horror

    don’t get sucked into the glory hole

    Cone Karma

    Disco Concrete