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    one stupid thing

    ComicCovers 20181019 134621

    The Endless

    81A ir0rTSL. RI SX300 The Endless

    As kids, they escaped a UFO death cult. Now, two adult brothers seek answers after an old videotape surfaces and brings them back to where they began.

    Not all Lovecraftian movies rise to this level, the list is pretty short of end of days movies that I would suggest that have a taste of Cthulhu in them.

    This is one of them. Mind breakingly horrifying at times and well worth your time if you want to get spooked. It might have helped that I was watching this in a city with no power, my windows open in a pitch black house with only the sound of the wind through the leaves outside, but man there was something spooky about this movie that really spooked me into saying “spook” too many times.

    i like everything

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