whatever just wash your hands

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  • bean pizza

    my friendship circle over the years

    could’v been an email

    american drinker

    river snake

    awesome land bridge

    Erin Moriarty’s Middle Finger

    Ballistic The Palladium Wars Book 2


    “I gulped down Ballistic in one long read, staying awake half the night, and now I want the next one!” -George R. R. Martin

    There is a personal price to pay for having aligned with the wrong side in a reckless war. For Aden Jansen it’s the need to adopt a new identity while keeping his past hidden. Now he’s integrated himself aboard the Zephyr, a merchant ship smuggling critical goods through dangerous space. But danger is imminent on planet Gretia, as well. Under occupation, torn between postwar reformers and loyalists, it’s a polestar for civil unrest.

    Meanwhile an occupation forces officer is pulled right back into the fray when the battle alarm is raised, an ambitious heiress is entangled in a subversive political conspiracy, and an Allied captain is about to meet the enemy head-on.

    As Aden discovers, the insurgents on Gretia-and in space-are connected, organized, and ready to break into full-scale rebellion. History is threatening to repeat itself. It’s time that Aden rediscovers who he is, whom he can trust, and what he must fight for now.


    I read this in just a couple sittings, smacking myself for somehow missing the fact that it came out right at the start of the global pandemic that thanks to Republican misaction and incompetence, has now killed over two hundred thousand Americans.

    This is a fantastic book and I gave it a 5/5 on Amazon, making sure to preorder the next one so I don’t miss it’s release like I did this time. Every aspect of this book, this universe, are well within what I’m looking for in a story. The one negative I have is that Kloos isn’t dropping these every other month, because I would buy them on that kind of schedule. Since he’s still just human though, I can accept a new novel in this fantastic series every year if I have to.

    If you enjoyed Starship Troopers for the armor wars, or Old Man’s War because of the world building, you’ll be right at home with Ballistic.

    Buy On Amazon!




    Life Magazine September 11 2001

    As never before, it was a tale of two years. Through September 10, the United States was a nation at peace, moving leisurely through a year in which not terribly much was happening. Sharks and movie stars and an economic malaise dominated small-sized headlines. Then, in a moment, everything changed. The country, visited by an unspeakable horror, was plunged into an altered universe. Terror, death and war were constants in the New Normal. Here, in vivid imagery, is the story of that year — of those years.

    A quick read, if you’re only looking at the words, this was part of the Time Magazine’s annual “the Year In Pictures” series, which thankfully includes images from the rest of the year that happened before and after 9/11.

    I received this in a lot that I won from a goodwill auction, which seems like something I’m going to say a lot more these days, Goodwill has done pretty well with their online options, and in this case there was a $50 Star Trek book that I was able to get in a lot of 3 books for just $10. Included in the lot was the ST book, this 9/11 book, and book named “growing up with the Beatles”, which honestly I may not even read.

    This 2001 book was good though, there’s a TON of other stuff in here that’s eye raising from the appointment of Rober Mueller to the FBI, to the uncertainty of the Bush administration, to the RIP section at the end of the book. If you’re interested in what else happened in that year, this is a good starting point.

    Buy On Amazon!


    You Know you’d rather see this


    What McConnell said




    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Champion Of Gender Equality Dies At 87

    Ginsburg, the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court, died from complications from cancer. Her death will set in motion what promises to be a tumultuous political battle over who will succeed her.




    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87






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    Boundary on Steam

    Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter game, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operations on orbiting space installations against other enemy astroperators and other entities.










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    perfectly ruined morning

    Photographer Ted #2

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    Disrupt & then promise reform…




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    before and also the movie