Tina Louise aka Ginger Grant from Gilligan’s Island 1950s

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  • Give your bagels extra love for me

    Archbishop by me 2020

    brid castle by boosoohooSuhwan Bae

    Hornet Girl by Kohei Hayama

    Tybalt Fortress by Jerry Padilla

    Witch hunt by Nicolas Avon

    I used to enjoy this

    Hard battle by George REDreev

    Batman by Johnny Morrow

    Red Valley #4 by Tamas Medve

    Astral Beast by Lachlan Page


    Thought you guys would get a kick outta this?

    Caudron C460 Rafale by E Chipchase

    And then they vilify the average person for not supporting all these needs

    Laney Jade as Aqua Woman

    Mountain Dew Chicken

    Sunset in Denver CO

  • Mask by Tiago Sousa

    Punisher Edition

    Squid Game

    Spiderverse by Jeremy Roberts & Brett Booth

    Yarns dyed entirely from mushrooms and lichens

    Club Caffeine

    Thou shalt overcome

    World War Z An Oral History of the Zombie War a book by Max Brooks

    #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER – “Prepare to be entranced by this addictively readable oral history of the great war between humans and zombies.”–Entertainment Weekly We survived the zombie apocalypse, but how many of us are still haunted by that terrible time? We have (temporarily?) defeated the living dead, but at what cost? Told in the haunting and riveting voices of the men and women who witnessed the horror firsthand, World War Z is the only record of the pandemic. The Zombie War came unthinkably close to eradicating humanity. Max Brooks, driven by the urgency of preserving the acid-etched first-hand experiences of the survivors, traveled across the United States of America and throughout the world, from decimated cities that once teemed with upwards of thirty million souls to the most remote and inhospitable areas of the planet. He recorded the testimony of men, women, and sometimes children who came face-to-face with the living, or at least the undead, hell of that dreadful time. World War Z is the result. Never before have we had access to a document that so powerfully conveys the depth of fear and horror, and also the ineradicable spirit of resistance, that gripped human society through the plague years. THE INSPIRATION FOR THE MAJOR MOTION PICTURE”Will spook you for real.”–The New York Times Book Review “Possesses more creativity and zip than entire crates of other new fiction titles. Think Mad Max meets The Hot Zone. . . . It’s Apocalypse Now, pandemic-style. Creepy but fascinating.”–USA Today “Will grab you as tightly as a dead man’s fist. A.”–Entertainment Weekly, EW Pick “Probably the most topical and literate scare since Orson Welles’s War of the Worlds radio broadcast . . . This is action-packed social-political satire with a global view.”–Dallas Morning News


    This is at least my second time reading the full book, I have a hard copy that I read in nearly one sitting while on a work trip and in my hotel room, and it remains one of the best zombie books that I’ve ever read. I’m happy they made a movie out of the basic concept, but I look forward to a time when the book is re-adapted by someone like HBO/Netflix/Amazon and it’s given the proper anthology treatment it deserves.

    Buy On Amazon!


    James Bond with a Gun

    Carnage Artwork Problem

    1515- izees the goddess by mohamed saad

    La Brea and Curson Ave

    Chicken dinner

    Bird of Prey

    Necrolurgy by Clint Cearley

    Elf by Dylan Kowalski

    the whole world thinks you are an enormous asshole

    Too much to ask for right

    Kasya by Benjamin Perrot

    Needle Swastikas

    Pakled Assault

    Battle Nun by Vezonia Lithium


    we’ll all have to back into the office




    Psylocke by Sen Baek