Meanwhile, In Florida
Tags:Bikinis, Florida, Humor, Ladders, XMas
D.C. Attorney General Uses the KKK Act of 1871 to Sue Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Over ‘Gutless’ Jan. 6 Attack
Tags:Politics, United States Riots of 2021
Tags:Advertisements, Cigarettes
Doctor Strange Supreme
Tags:Comic Books, Doctor Strange, Vertical Wallpaper
Christmas Superwoman by Chiquita Cosplay
Tags:Comic Books, Cosplay, NeSFW, Sexy, Supergirl
Russia says it may be forced to deploy mid-range nuclear missiles in Europe
Tags:Russia, Vladimir Putin's Attempt At World War 3, WTF
LX 2048
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
What’s the movie about? I could give you a few guesses, but I’m pretty sure I’d be wrong. The film bounces from serious to silly to thoughtful to exciting, then to goofy so many times that I just sorta gave up on thinking about what the movie was trying to say and just held on for the somewhat enjoyable ride.
I don’t recommend it though.
Valorant wallpapaer 4k
Tags:Gaming, Valorant, Wallpaper
Derek Chauvin pleads guilty to violating George Floyd’s civil rights
Tags:Bad Cops, George Floyd's Public Execution
Grace Kelly, 1955.
Tags:Fashion, Grace Kelly, Sexy
Calif. Governor Wants to Do to Assault Weapons What Texas Did to Abortion
Tags:California, Politics, Weapons
Thoughts and prayers. Wind and rage.
Tags:Climate Change, Politics
Don’t traumatize the kids!
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Mass Shootings, Politics
Superman and Batman
Tags:Batman, Comic Books, Superman
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot
Tags:Awesome Things, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
A man tortured by his past is constantly reminded of the actions he’s taken in a life he wishes he could leave behind, and then is asked to do the impossible. Sam Elliott absolutely nails this basic concept, and director Robert D. Krzykowski delivers on the possibilities that are presented, all with a gorgeous soundtrack by Joe Kraemer. It’s simultaneously a movie about wasted efforts, lost potential, aging regrets, and the ability to move past them and do better than what is expected of you.
If the title turned you off, give it a chance on just my recommendation, it’s worth your time.
Slugfest | Official Trailer | The Roku Channel
Tags:Awesome Things, Comic Books, Movies, Television, Television Trailers