pink power ranger on a computer

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  • BTS SPIDER-MAN: NWH – Tom Holland and his stunt doubles, Luke Scott (right) & Greg Townley.

    Slight changes to MCS header

    I’ve made some slight changes in the site’s header, removed the black admin bar and moved the couple things that were actually useful to the main navigation bar.

    RIP admin bar, you were great, but super confusing to new people.

    Additionally, I’ve removed everything in the sidebar except recent comments and recent tags.  My plan is to completely remove the sidebar as well and migrate any content that was there to the main body of the site.

    In addition to those two things, I discovered a bug in how the “queue” page was displaying for non-logged in users.  That’s been fixed.

    To celebrate these triumphs over code, here’s a picture of Mr Odo:


    Die for Honor by Valentina Remenar

    The last stand

    floating billboard on Miami Beach


    An almost perfectly preserved Nodosaur from over 100 million years ago. Found accidentally by Canadian miners in March of 2011.


    Cyberpunk2079 by lijian

    Dangerous Curves

    2020 ver.2 by Yee-ling (syncmax) Chung

    Conquest of the Space Sea – Ed Valigursky 1955

    Church in Austria

    LA Times August 2011

    Eternals, tribute art by Mike Mahle

    Malta Building

    Necromechanics, Valery Petelin

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger in between Andre the Giant and Wilt Chamberlain

    It’s a joke at this point

    Frank Oz situated underneath the floor in order to film the live-action Yoda scenes in The Phantom Menace

    Religious Right’s False Idol

    Greenwich London – tunnel

    Gal Gadot

    Starfighter Down by Elias Stern

    It is Wednesday, my dudes

    Buddhist Temple in Hawaii

    Spider-Man, Spider Geddon wallpaper

    Just amazing

    Dark Space Landscape

    Iron Man

    Comic from 100 years ago today, from the last major pandemic.

    Take, me, dowwwwwwwn!

    Michelle Trachtenberg

    How is this hat not for sale yet?

    conservatives when their hemorrhoid cream tastes so good

    Dolly Parton early 1980’s


    Marilyn Monroe, 1940s.

    Hailee Steinfeld

    Super Pumped

    Super Pumped: Created by Brian Koppelman, David Levien. With Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kyle Chandler, Kerry Bishé, Jon Bass. The roller-coaster ride of the upstart transportation company, embodying the highs and lows of Silicon Valley.


    Who else agrees?

    As Sinema Defends Filibuster, Progressives Say ‘Vote Her the Hell Out’

    “The filibuster is a meaningless Senate rule. It’s a remnant of slavery used to block civil rights for generations.”


    Armada Scout Ships by Aaron Limonick

    Republicans Seem Like They’re Pretty Much Done with Presidential Debates

    The GOP is preparing to vote on a rule that would prohibit candidates from participating in debates held by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates


    Hilary Duff doing some shopping

    Video shows Florida police sergeant grabbing fellow officer by her throat

    A Florida police sergeant has been relieved of his supervisory responsibilities and is under investigation after he was filmed grabbing an officer by her throat, according to officials.


    Only teach history that supports our ignorance.