Puddle Cruiser
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
It’s Broken Lizard, but super dooper young and in their very first film, so really this movie is only for fans of the group and want to see everything they’ve done. It’s a fun movie that takes a look at what “modern” college students were doing in the dating scene, circa 1996, many of the jokes fall flat, but just as many hit well enough that they were able to build on this film and make their next film, which was Super Troopers.
The one highlight of buying this $2 dvd from amazon? there’s a short 17 minute documentary about their journeys to several different college campuses to show off their film, which is a cool look at both who they were at the time and what colleges were like.
Hellraiser Deader
Tags:Hellraiser, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
Another direct to VHS installment of a franchise that at this point should have just been left to die somewhere in the Romanian alleys that the film was constructed from. Oddly, this is a somewhat solid film and would be a fine additional to a “Best of the Worst” style movie marathon, but the attempt to shove Pin Head in at the very end felt weird, though it was a nice touch to verbally suggest there was a bloodline involved through all the movies. I will say this, I think there was more nudity in the subway scenes than all the other movies combined, which was a pleasant addition to the mythos, finally they show some of the pleasure that’s on the opposite side of the pain/torture coin that Pin Head is always talking about!
Tags:Scarlett Johansson, Sexy
Hellraiser Hellseeker
Tags:Hellraiser, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
A movie that opens with a cute couple tickling, horsing around, then making out in their car, all while going 50 miles per hour on a split lane highway, with predictable results. This was the opening scene and it completely took me out of the film because of how absolutely stupid a premise that was, and it wasn’t until halfway through the movie that they intended the main guy to be an unreliable narrator of events that weren’t narrated or recalled, but shown as fact in the opening of the film. The rest of the movie didn’t get much better, with an absolute ton of hand wringing about where his wife is and what’s real, like if he’s real, is she really real, and if that’s really right, are any of us in hell?
Completely skippable, I think this was even released direct to VHS / DVD at the time.
Tags:Evel Knievel, Motorcycles
Black Widow by Xkalty
Tags:big tits, Black Widow, Comic Books, Cosplay, NeSFW, Sexy
Meet the Jewish Former Southlake Student Who Spoke Out Against Teaching ‘Two Sides’ of the Holocaust
Tags:Donald Trump, Tattoos, WTF
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
Apparently, based on a true story, I see many flaws in their schemes, mostly that they immediately started spending the money as soon as they could in a truly reckless manner. Having watched a couple seasons of Breaking Bad, I know you gotta wash your money somehow and the best way of doing that is starting a couple cash based businesses, like a hot dog stand or car wash or even a website that people can go post random picture to and you can generate traffic and act like you’re getting many low amount donations for members to a site that’s all the bees knees.
or something like that, I dunno.
This is a fun movie though, it was nice to see Vince Vaughn on the screen again, he’s a very charming gentlemen.
take a spooky dookie
Tags:Halloween, Humor, Poop, Toilet Humor, Toilets
Portishead – Glory Box edit
Tags:downtempo-dojo.com, Music Videos, portishead
Time To Die
Tags:Humor, James Bond, Movies
Without Covid-19 jab reinfection may occur every 16 months
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Science!
Ghostbusters Afterlife 2021
Tags:Ghostbusters: Afterlife, Movie Posters, Movies
Tags:Books, Evil Dead, Humor, Movies
Underwater Horizons
Tags:Gaming, Horizon Forbidden West, Wallpaper
Best Sellers
Tags:Aubrey Plaza, Michael Caine, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
The daughter of a now passed book publisher has taken over the company and needs to find a book to publish to save her company, invades the home and privacy of an elderly author that wrote one published book and has turned into a one cat man who drinks, smokes, and writes all day.
She convinces him that he owes her company a book and further convinces him to go on the road for a book tour to promote the book and pull her company back from being sold for pennies, they learn to trust each other and yadda yadda yadda. You’ve seen this story a million times and you know how it’s going to end, the only things that really change are the actors involved and in this case, they’re absolutely fantastic. This is likely the most serious role that i’ve seen Aubrey Plaza in, and Michael Caine just announced that this is going to be the last film he’s going to make. The obvious thought is that he was channeling that desire to pull back from movies during the making of the film, but I’m not sure how true that is.
It’s a good film and it pulls all the right heart strings, so check it you if you have the opportunity.
Star Trek Coda Book 1 – Moments Asunder
Tags:Book Reviews, Books, Star Trek
It’s the end of the Star Trek Extended Universe as we know it, but luckily it’s not going out the way the Star Wars EU did, just being shoveled into a trash heap and fans told “that stuff never really happened”. Star Trek has a built in safety valve for that sort of thing with how it’s traditionally dealt with alternative realities, going all the way back to the original series’s episode named “Mirror, Mirror” which was released in 1967 during the show’s second season, continued in every single series since then, and was the primary method of getting new actors into the TOS crew seats.
“Moments Asunder” brings in a large number of Next Generation and Department of Temporal Investigation characters, most of whom are going to be familiar to anyone that’s been reading along in the EU adventures that picked up with the end of DS9 and Enterprise, continuing the story of the Federation in the years after Trek officially left television back in 2005, it would have been nice to have a full timeline of all the incredibly cool things that happened since then, with the return of Sisko, the destruction of DS9, the USS Aventine and her new captain, Picard and Beverly getting married and having a child, Riker’s going off on the USS Titan, getting married, then getting promoted to fleet Admiral, the assassination of a Federation President, the continued frustrations of Section 31 running around, the Andorian crisis, all that and many many many other cool things. I didn’t even mention what was going on with Voyager during that time period, mostly because I somehow didn’t read a single one of those books. I want to, but a man only has so much time on his hands!
Because the writers of the TV shows want to justifiably do their own things with the characters they’re responsible for, the EU stuff that contradicts the new shows has to be contextualized somehow, either by just giving up on it Star Wars style, or explaining where it is in the infinite web of diverse and verdant multiverse realities that Trek has always acknowledged are out there doing their own thing. It’s an extremely ambitious goal that they’ve set for themselves, and for the most part, this first book does that it sets out to do, with old and familiar characters popping back into the picture and things moving extremely quickly once they start going. My one complaint about the book would be that with the extremely fast pace of the book, some events are unclear, there was a death of a captain that I swore wasn’t a death but ended up being one on the next page, and there was an unfortunate scene that I think mirrors that scene from Star Wars when Leia ignored Chewy when they got back from destroying Star Killer base, the location where her ex husband was just murdered by her kid. Chewy should have gotten the damn hug, not Rey! Well after you read the book, you’ll know what I’m talking about, it’s the same damn thing. In the sum of things, it’s an exceptionally minor complaint.
If you’ve been reading along for the last 20 years, this is going to do it for you. If you haven’t, read a primer, maybe a timeline or two, then jump right in, it’s fairly accessible, just know that nearly everyone you’re familiar with has 20 years of time on them since you last met them.
Kanye or Ye wearing creepy mask to meet with Michael Cohen again
Tags:Kanye West, Micheal Cohen, WTF
Tags:Fashion, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies, Politics
Other than some poorly done CGI at the very beginning, this is a fantastically made horror film with an absolutely ridiculous premise, but somehow dips into deeply political territory with heavy questions about consumerism and the effects it has on global trade.
When you check it out, be sure to stay to the very very end past the credits.
Awesome Fan Art – by Grzegorz Domaradzki
Tags:Star Wars, Vertical Wallpaper