Official Logo for “Secret Invasion”
Tags:Comic Books, Logos, Secret Invasion, Television
A brain or a helmet
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Politics, Sports
First Look at Nick Fury in Secret Invasion
Tags:Comic Books, Nick Fury, Secret Invasion, Television
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
Another straight to theater movie, with a long delay for home release, I found it on a totally legit streaming site, but now I have a compulsion to gamble. A lot. This film itself was a gamble for the MCU, introducing an entire team of forgettable superheroes, all played by name brand actors who will never have this film in their top 20 roles. There’s at least 10 Eternals, all of them with wacky powers, with one of them having the same powers as Superman. He’s actually called Superman in one of the weirdest headscratching moments in the entire MCU. The story takes place over 5 millennium, all around the world, no one set piece really taking the focus, and none of them really being all that important. The bad guys are mutating mophy things that are as inspired as Venom: Another Venom, this time, with more Venom.
I’m an idiot for the MCU, so I’m sure I’ll get the steelbook of the film eventually, but this is the second Marvel movie in a row that’s been an ok film and a mediocre MCU entry.
USS Enterprise J “Congo Class” Concept Art – Doug Drexler
Tags:Spaceships, Star Trek
Red notice shooter
Tags:Movies, The Rock, Wallpaper
‘Galactic’ 3D Render by Max Hay
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
USS Discovery NCC-1031-A by Ryan Dening – Star Trek Discovery
Tags:Star Trek, Star Trek: Discovery
‘We Killed Herman Cain’ New Book Paints Damning Portrait of How Trump’s Team Bungled Tulsa Rally
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Politics
Trump’s Hail Mary rally in Oklahoma was an even bigger disaster than first reported
space egg
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Spaceships, Wallpaper
Normandy SR2 & Tempest – Mass Effect
Tags:Gaming, Mass Effect, Spaceships
Can we use big batteries to power our trains
A new analysis suggests the economics are close to breaking even.
Tags:Animated Images, Emma Stone
Every Time
Tags:democrats, Humor, Politics
Tags:Advertisements, Food, Spam
BAE Systems Taranis unmanned combat aerial vehicle
Tags:Airplanes, Wallpaper, Weapons
Starfleet 3189 by Ryan Dening – Star Trek Discovery
Tags:Spaceships, Star Trek, Star Trek: Discovery
The beauty and complexity of our nervous system
Tags:Cutaway, Science!
A Lakota man ca 1895-1899 South Dakota Photo by Jesse H Bratley Source – Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Tags:Black and White, Native Americans
Tags:Mila Kunis, NeSFW, Sexy, Smiles
Stranger Things by Raja Nanadepu
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Stranger Things, Television