space whales
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Wallpaper, whales
Album cover concept art
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
Tags:Animated Images, Humor, Milana Vayntrub
Spider-Man by MsBriCosplay
Tags:Comic Books, Cosplay, MissBriCosplay, Sexy, Spider-Man
Torchy Blane in Chinatown
Tags:Glenda Farrell, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies, Torchy Blane
I went in ready for some racist content, and while there’s a couple slightly problematic scenes with accents, there’s really nothing to complain about in terms of overt stupid racist content in “Torchy Blane In Chinatown”. That might be because she never really “goes” to Chinatown, it more or less comes to her in a series of threats to men, most of whom are dead by midnight. The movie opens with the most bombastic opening music of any of the other Torchy films, and goes on to have one of the least ‘Torchy’ adventure yet, with the reporter acting more as background for a McBride mystery. In fact, I think this is the first story with them in which McBride does all the proper police work, gets the right suspects, and is the hero at the end of the day.
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Humor
Brian started it all!!
Tags:Humor, Monty Python, Religion
Star Trek Book Deals For December, 2021
Tags:Books, Star Trek,
This month’s ebook deals have landed with 10 books on sale for 0.99 each, books that have never been on sale are in bold:
This month’s sale is the entirety of the “Vanguard” series that was largely written by David Mack, who coincidentally wrote the third book in the “Coda” series that was released just yesterday.
Star Trek: The Next Generation: I, Q
Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified
Star Trek: Vanguard: Harbinger
Star Trek: Vanguard: In Tempest’s Wake
Star Trek: Vanguard: Open Secrets
Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice
Star Trek: Vanguard: Reap the Whirlwind
Star Trek: Vanguard: Storming Heaven
Star Trek: Vanguard: Summon The Thunder
Star Trek: Vanguard: What Judgments Come
Cassette Adapter
Tags:Cars, Music, Technology
Rocket Engine Salvage Yard
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
The Name Game
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Humor
Tags:Cats, Dolly Parton, Humor
Nightcrawler by Francis Portela
Tags:Comic Books, Nightcrawler
Practice by Ling Xiang
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Wallpaper
Death Rides the Sky of Lightning by Jon Sullivan
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Wallpaper
StaR-V – Val
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction, Spaceships, Wallpaper
Tags:Dragons, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Wallpaper
Art by David Schleinkofer commissioned by Berkley Books for Robert Silverberg’s book Across a Billion Years but never used. 1969
Tags:Fantasy - Science Fiction
How It Ends
Tags:Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
I wasn’t expecting much from this film, and that’s about what I got from it. There’s some wandering around, there’s some talking, a celebrity shows up and talks for a bit, then it repeats until the film is over. There’s a whole list of celebrities on the movie poster, look at them! Look at all those famous people!
It’s not a terrible film, it just wasn’t what I was looking for in a apocalyptic film.
Recent Comic Cover Updates For 2021-12-01
Tags:Comic Books, Comic Covers, X-Post
Click For The Comic Covers Uploaded This Week
somehow we ended up here
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020, Humor
Halo Infinite | Campaign Launch Trailer
Tags:Game Trailers, Gaming, Halo, Halo: Infinite
Gary Meyer from JCA Annual 7 (1987)
Tags:Awesome Things, Fantasy - Science Fiction, Vertical Wallpaper
Dra’Ke by Dogan Oztel
Tags:Dragons, Fantasy - Science Fiction
Jessica Nigri as Sonic the Hedgehog
Tags:Cosplay, Gaming, Jessica Nigri, NeSFW, Sexy, Sonic The Hedgehog
You’re here.
Tags:Corona Virus Outbreak of 2020