Added on April 12th, 2022 by tiki god
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Tags:Dragons, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
Tags:Dragons, Movie Posters, Movie Reviews, Movies
Set in Alaska, or at least an abandoned movie lot with plenty of Alaskan vacation footage, the film is both a low budget dragon fight and an entertainingly competent made for TV Wyvern experience. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the CGI, though the budget shines through when you notice that the CGI Wyvern doesn’t actually physically interact with anything and nearly all of it’s close up set pieces are static shots without much camera movement. Don Davis absolutely chewed up every scene he was in, in perfectly corny fashion, I believe this is one of his final filmed roles before he passed in mid 2008.
It’s by no means a “must see” but if you’re into dragons, it’s not a “must skip” either.