11107 Search Results Found For: "gif"

Here's the top MCS tags found for "gif"

Invader Zim’s Gir is a DDR Champion

I know it’s small, but I fucking love Gir. You should love Gir too, in fact, you should love Invader Zim too.
Go Gir, Go!
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  • Bear Lovin


    Black and White to COLOR

    Instructions:  There’s a black dot in the center. Stare at the dot till the countdown ends, and the black and white picture should look like it’s in color until you move your eyes!
    I know this has been floating around recently, but this is the first version I found that’s just an animated gif file

    Straight Lines




    Because life is random.

    Hello Cthulhu!

    Hello Kitty! Cthulhu!

    Sumo Super Match


    Fun Facts About Liberals


    Thread Direction




    404 Error

    404 error.gif

    The page is completely fucked. In Fact, your computer is probably broken.

    The page you are looking for is seriously fucked up and is currently unavailable. The Website might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may have to re-install your operating system. in which case, too bad.

    Please try the following:

    Click the Refresh Button, or fill your CD-ROM drawer tray with jam. This really works.
    If you typed the page address in the Address bar, please go away and learn to spell correctly before returning.
    To check you rconnection status, unplug your PC and insert a screwdriver into the mains socket. connection status will immediately become apparent.
    If you like, Microsoft Windows can examine your PC and send details of all the pornography you have downloaded to its headquarters in Redmond.
    If you would like Windows to ruin your life,
    Click Yes! Send me to jail!
    Some sites you visit require Microsoft’s authorization. Click the Windows menu and then click Let me view boobies! to uninstall this feature
    If you are trying to reach a secure site, make sure you are not running Windows. Click the My Computer menu, and then right click Drive C: On the Menu select This sucks: Please replace current operating system with Linux. and Don’t aske me again.
    Click the Back to try and end this nightmare.

    Cannot find server or DNS Error
    Or maybe you’ve killed the internet.


    Epilepsy Warning!


    Kitty Toast


  • Sexuality Survey

    And before you go all ape shit and start screamin, just substitute “heterosexuals” with “homosexuals” and you’ll see what the point of this is.

    Newcomer: SNAKE

    wtf was that box about?

    Military Science Fiction UNKNOWN

    No Idea. I likey. Do you know where from?

    Absolut Epilepsy

    Simply because I don’t want to kill anyone, the image is after the cut. Be warned though, it’ll fry your brain if you stare at it for too long.


    McDonalds : I’d Hit It!

    This is an actual advert that ran for a while from Mickey D’s… sad really, it just goes to show how out of touch some people are with reality.


    Emo Lawn Mower


    From www.cr-shirts.com

    They have some rather funny shirts over there.

    More Emo Cool Stuff



    I find this to be incredibly cute as hell.

    Happy Consumerist Day!


    From the wikipedia article on the day:

    St. Valentine’s Day falls on February 14, and is the traditional day on which lovers in certain cultures let each other know about their love, commonly by sending Valentine’s cards, which are often anonymous. The history of Valentine’s day can be traced back to a Catholic Church feast day, in honor of Saint Valentine. The day’s associations with romantic love arrived after the High Middle Ages, during which the concept of romantic love was formulated.

    The day is now most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of “valentines.” Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, the practice of hand writing notes has largely given way to the exchange of mass-produced greeting cards. The Greeting Card Association estimates that, world-wide, approximately one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association also estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

    The Tech Support Caller Warning System

    Low Stupidity Condition Signifies a caller offers little or no risk of causing the tech a cranial aneurysm. This is usually a calller who understand that most technical “secrets” are cleverly concealed in the mysterious things called “manuals.” Recommendation: Cherish these ones.
    Suspicious Stupiditity Condition Signifies a caller who is suspected of weapons-grade stupidity, without any real evidence. Recommendation: Send “inspectors.”
    Elevated Stupidity Condition Indicates a significant risk of stroke in the tech cause by a caller who insist that “there is no ‘any key’ on the keyboard” and that “there’s no way I can click on ‘you computer’ from over here.”Recommendation: Slow Breating exercisiese and a good punching bag.
    High Stupidity Condition Indicates a high risk of an apoplectic fit. callers insist that their operating system is “netscape,” their web browser is by “Logitech” and the specific application that blew up on them is “Microsoft.” (Heh) Recommendation: Join a Zen Monastery
    Severe Stupidity Condition Indicates the highest risk possible. Adrenaline overload and renal failure caused by callers who angrily state that they have a degree and are in fact very clever, and that the tech must “hop to it and fix things.” When asked to “open a window” they do in fact get up and open a window. Alas. Recommendation: a large bludgeoning instrument. For you or them, it’s really your choice.

    From our friends over at User Friendly

    Windows Sex Vs Mac Sex


    Windows Users like to look at sex on their computers.

    Mac Users Like to have sex with their computers.


    Da Evil Monkey!


    I like the monkey from Family Guy. I really do! He reminds me of a certain political figure, teehee!

    Turn off the sarcasm!


    Sarcasm Off!

    Batmobile’s lost it’s wheel!

    Ok, for those of you who are scratching your heads, this is to the tune of “Jingle Bells”:

    Jingle Bells,
    Batman Smells,
    Robin Laid an egg!
    The Batmobile’s lost it’s wheel,
    And the Joker got away…

    Should be the last from the fine folks at Threadless

    You Sank My Battleship!


    From the fine folks at Threadless

    Vader’s Shrubs

    From the fine folks over at Threadless

    The Waaambulance!


    Hello, Whine-One-One? I need a WHAAAMBULANCE dispatched to my location IMMEDIATELY!