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    Russian General Announces Plan to Invade Moldova after Ukraine

    Rustam Minnekayev, a Russian General announced plans to invade the Transnistria region of Moldova on Friday.


    Austin white

    look, capitalist horror beyond comprehension

    anti-gay politicians when no one is watching them

    Tucker Carlson’s crusade to “Masculate American Gonads Again”, one tiny sun-burnt testicle at a time

    Scarlet Witch

    Garter snake mating ball found in Manitoba, Canada.


    Betty Gilpin

    Captain Scat Sparrow!

    Dark Voices, Me, Oil Painting, 2022

    I am tired


    Meanwhile in Georgia…



  • Panther Rider by artist JeeHyung lee

    It’s the same when those old big TV’s are not working properly so you hit on the back and then it suddenly works

    Proto Spinner


    Ukrainian fighter with his a suppressed Barrett M107 anti-materiel rifle.

    “See, we need a young man like Trump”

    Olivia Munn

    The MindFlayer by StuHarrington on DeviantArt



    How do you update Magnetos backstory from WW2 survivor?

    Chrome by artist Michele D’Angelo

    Halo Infinite’s co-op campaign is now scheduled to arrive in August

    Following multiple delays, 343 Industries hopes to deliver Halo Infinite’s co-op campaign sometime in August 2022.

    Nearly a full year after the release of the game and they’re still hedging on when exactly the game is going to be in a playable state.

    Dr. Strange

    The Fox News of political parties.

    Thor: Love and Thunder fan art I made.

    Spider-Gwen by Bella LeBaron

    Softball, cats, comics, beer and a G-litter sign

    Went to our first college softball game in about 3 years, it was fantastic to get back out there.

    There was a massive bird of prey freeloading and watching the game without a ticket.  Don’t worry though, he was bounced by some smaller birds that didn’t like him that close to their tree.

    Why am I buying Star Trek audio books on tape? Because they’re like $2 each now days, and in mint condition!  I doubt I’m ever going to listen to them in this form, but they look fantastic on my shelf, and I can mark them as “owned” over on the Star Trek Book Club

    Our foster cat and her surviving four kittens.  She had birthed six total, but unfortunately two of them didn’t make it past a week, and it’s been a heart wrenching, emotional week for me trying to save those two guys, but failing.

    There was a smaller comic show that I went to and I picked this up.  There’s two stories in the book, the first one is the one featured on the cover, the second one is the much better story and is based on “Deep Space Diner”.

    Went to a local beer place to pick up some beer for an event.  I ended up buying “Image Rendering”, “Strawberry Marg Slushhhh”, “Dadgarnet” , “Fixed Income”, and “Lengthening Coastlines”, but didn’t actually like any of them.  The people that were at the event liked about half of them though, so that was a win in my book.

    A sign at a local garden, apparently the idiots doing gender reveal parties were littering way too often and needed to be told to not litter at a state park.



    I think you guys may appreciate this: Art by Cameron Gray

    Captain Falcon Punch

    Karen Fukuhara

    I’m just asking questions, folks. Tucker likes asking questions.


    Evan Rachel Wood

    Marina Bay 2089 by Fabio Araujo



    Bowl to Soul background by Sylvain Sarrailh


    “Hey Disney, I Hear You Like Employing People…”

    Captain America Franchise