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    Greener Soccer

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    Soccer vs Football

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    Pig Soccer

    Pig Soccer

    Super Soccer Kickers


    Patriotic Soccer Players

    hand on boob!


    Out Today: “The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy”

    Out today: “The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy“, by Adam Nimoy.

    Even before Star Trek I’d see him popping up in bit roles on some of my favorite TV shows like Get Smart, Sea Hunt, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. And then one night he brought home Polaroids of himself in makeup and wardrobe for a pilot he was working on. It was December 1964 and nobody had heard of Star Trek. Still, the eight-year-old me had watched enough Outer Limits and My Favorite Martian to understand exactly what I was looking at.

    Spock’s popularity happened quickly, and soon the fan magazines were writing about dad’s personal life, characterizing us as a “close family.” But the awkwardness that defined our early relationship blossomed into conflict, sometimes smoldering, sometimes open and intense. There were occasional flashes of warmth between the arguments and hurt feelings—even something akin to love—especially when we were celebrating my father’s many successes. The rest of the time, things between us were often strained.

    My resentment towards my father kept building through the years. I wasn’t blameless, I know that now, but my bitterness blinded me to any thought of my own contribution to the problem.

    I wanted things to be different for my children. I wanted to be the father I never had, so I coached Maddy’s soccer, drove Jonah to music lessons, helped them with their homework—all the things dads are supposed to do. All the things I wanted to do. So what if my Dad and I had been estranged for years? I was living one day at a time.

    And then I got his letter.

    That marked a turning point in our lives, a moment that cleared the way for a new relationship between us.

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    Global Landscape of In-Play Sports Betting

    In-play betting, also known as live betting, has revolutionized the world of online sports betting. With in-play betting, you can place wagers on a sporting event after it has already started. This opens up a whole new dimension of sports betting that is incredibly exciting. In this article, we will explore the many advantages of in-play betting at Toto Nederland and why it has become so popular.


    Navigating Innovation: The Convergence of Apps and Sports Betting

    Mature men sitting on sofa at home and watching soccer game. He is using smart phone for sports betting .

    In the dynamic landscape of entertainment and technology, the convergence of cutting-edge applications (apps) and sports betting emerges as a pivotal point of interest, reshaping user experiences and industry paradigms. This fusion enhances user engagement and prompts a comprehensive examination of its multifaceted implications. The article assesses this intersection, exploring the integration of apps into sports betting and its diverse impacts, using the Betway app as a credible exemplar of innovative practices and user-centric design within this evolving ecosystem.


    Refining User Experience with Mobile Applications

    Mobile applications have redefined the accessibility and functionality of sports betting, offering users a seamless platform to engage with their preferred sports and teams on the go. For example, the Betway app prioritizes intuitive design, real-time updates and user customization, providing an immersive experience transcending traditional betting channels. Through features such as live streaming and personalized notifications, users are empowered to tailor their betting journey according to their preferences, thus enhancing their overall experience and sense of involvement. Ultimately, by streamlining access and customization, these apps redefine the betting landscape for users.

    Harnessing Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling

    At the core of sports betting lies the utilization of data analytics and predictive modeling to inform decision-making and strategy formulation. Developers have leveraged advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to create innovative applications capable of processing vast datasets—from player statistics to historical trends—to generate accurate predictions. By harnessing the power of big data, these apps enable bettors to make well-informed decisions, minimize risks and optimize their betting strategies, elevating the excitement and competitiveness of the experience. Ultimately, cutting-edge betting apps empower users with strategic insights through intricate analysis and predictive prowess.

    Integrating Immersive Technologies: AR and VR

    The integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies has introduced a new dimension to the sports betting landscape, offering users immersive and interactive experiences. AR-enhanced apps provide users with real-time data overlays and visualizations, enhancing their understanding of game dynamics and betting opportunities. On the other hand, VR-enabled platforms transport users into virtual sports arenas, enabling them to experience live events in a highly immersive manner. These technologies blur the boundaries between reality and digital engagement, enriching the sports betting experience and captivating users in unprecedented ways. With immersive features, applications akin to the Betway app redefine the very concept of spectatorship.

    Fostering Community and Social Interaction

    In an era characterized by social connectivity, sports betting apps on par with the Betway app serve as hubs for community engagement and interaction among enthusiasts. Integrated social features allow users to connect with fellow bettors, share insights and participate in discussions, promoting a sense of camaraderie and collaboration. Multiplayer modes and betting challenges further enhance social interaction, enabling users to compete against friends or strangers in a friendly yet competitive environment. By leveraging the power of social networks, innovative betting apps transform sports betting into a communal experience. They enrich the overall engagement of participants, creating a vibrant community atmosphere by facilitating camaraderie and friendly competition.

    Navigating Regulatory and Ethical Considerations

    Despite the innovations and advancements, integrating cutting-edge technology into these apps also brings forth regulatory challenges and ethical considerations. Varying legal frameworks across jurisdictions pose compliance hurdles for developers and operators, necessitating careful navigation of regulatory landscapes. Moreover, concerns regarding responsible gambling practices, data privacy and underage access underscore the importance of implementing robust safeguards and ethical standards. As stakeholders navigate these complexities, it is essential to prioritize responsible practices and ethical considerations to guarantee the integrity and sustainability of the industry. However, by balancing innovation with regulatory compliance, the burgeoning spectrum of betting apps can navigate complex ethical landscapes.

    In Conclusion

    The fusion of innovative apps and sports betting represents a paradigm shift in how enthusiasts engage with sports and entertainment. From enhancing user experiences to encouraging community interaction and confronting regulatory challenges, this intersection presents a plethora of opportunities and considerations for stakeholders. By embracing innovation while upholding ethical principles, the Betway app and others can harness the transformative potential of technology to elevate the sports betting experience for all participants.


    New Star Trek Book: “The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy”

    The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy by has been added to the Star Trek Book Club!

    Even before Star Trek I’d see him popping up in bit roles on some of my favorite TV shows like Get Smart, Sea Hunt, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. And then one night he brought home Polaroids of himself in makeup and wardrobe for a pilot he was working on. It was December 1964 and nobody had heard of Star Trek. Still, the eight-year-old me had watched enough Outer Limits and My Favorite Martian to understand exactly what I was looking at.

    Spock’s popularity happened quickly, and soon the fan magazines were writing about dad’s personal life, characterizing us as a “close family.” But the awkwardness that defined our early relationship blossomed into conflict, sometimes smoldering, sometimes open and intense. There were occasional flashes of warmth between the arguments and hurt feelings—even something akin to love—especially when we were celebrating my father’s many successes. The rest of the time, things between us were often strained.

    My resentment towards my father kept building through the years. I wasn’t blameless, I know that now, but my bitterness blinded me to any thought of my own contribution to the problem.

    I wanted things to be different for my children. I wanted to be the father I never had, so I coached Maddy’s soccer, drove Jonah to music lessons, helped them with their homework—all the things dads are supposed to do. All the things I wanted to do. So what if my Dad and I had been estranged for years? I was living one day at a time.

    And then I got his letter.

    That marked a turning point in our lives, a moment that cleared the way for a new relationship between us.

    The book is currently scheduled to be published on June 4, 2024

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    Buy On Books-A-Million.com

    Themed summer camps for children

    What if you dedicate your child’s vacation to his or her hobby? For this, there are summer sports or creative camps. Also, Christmas camp in Singapore has become very popular recently. Read on to find out what the themes of the summer camps are and choose the one that’s best for your child.


    Choosing a Camp

    When choosing a camp for your child, you are guided by the idea that camp is a place where he should get stronger, and healthier, learn to be independent and make new friends. Above all, recreation should be fun, not “out of hand”, when the child serves the vacations and can’t wait for the end of the shift. For this, you need to make sure that your child was interested to spend time in the chosen camp.


    Today there are a lot of themed camps with different orientations: sports, dance, language, sports, and tourism (including extreme, where children learn to survive in the wilderness), dedicated to their favorite movies or books, computer and robotics or management in business, etc.


    To please your child’s tastes, look for a camp on a topic of interest to him in the current abundance of offerings.


    If the child has not yet decided in his hobbies, it still makes sense to buy a ticket to a themed camp. Here he can learn new activities: sports, drawing, theater, programming, chess, and more.


    Most camps try to give children the opportunity to choose from a wide range of activities, and that’s fine.


    So, a themed summer camp is the same camp for rest and recuperation as a regular camp. The only difference is that the cultural program of the thematic camp is not “scattered” in a variety of hobbies, and gives preference to one or more of the themes. We can distinguish these topics: sports (various martial arts, soccer, basketball, gymnastics, chess, etc.), tourism, biological, technical, and language. Such camps may be as day camps (that is, parents brought in the morning and picked up in the evening) and full shifts (10, 14, 21 days, or other options).

    If you’re looking for a children’s creative camp

    Creative-themed camps don’t lag behind sports camps in quantity and quality of offerings. Spending time in such camps develops the child’s creative potential and is even more exciting. In drawing up the program of rest in such camps, the main emphasis is on creative activities. See below for examples of such camps.


    Career camps for teens

    Recently, more and more relevant are becoming camps with career guidance for teenagers from 10 – 16 years. In such institutions, your child will be shown, told and, most importantly, given the opportunity to try the profession he chose. Or maybe a person is still undecided? Then it is possible to get acquainted with the most popular professions, and in time to decide on the choice. Do you think that a child is too early to think about choosing a profession? But in today’s world, everything is changing and improving so quickly that the earlier teenagers understand and choose their career path, the better and easier it will be for them in life.


    Camp is a time that your child can devote to interesting activities, learn something new, make friends, and have their own unique life experience. Let the rest pass with benefit and in an informal atmosphere, let the child learn and master new abilities, knowledge, and skills. And all that parents need to know to let their child go on vacation with a light heart, is look for in the section devoted to children’s camps.


    2022 Year In Review

    In the year 2022 there were 58,140 posts, with 4,066 comments. Our top author was storminator with 3,834 posts, and the #1 commenter was Bolthorn, who submitted 645 comments!

    2022’s Top Posters:

    storminator (3834)
    /u/Anon_Ymou5 (474)
    /u/biggary1972 (437)
    /u/YanniRotten (332)
    /u/I_Burn_Cereal (211)
    /u/Aqquila89 (160)
    /u/One_Giant_Nostril (160)
    /u/godver555 (157)
    /u/lebsages (140)
    /u/eaglemaxie (136)

    2022’s Top Commenters:

    Bolthorn (645)
    Saborlas (565)
    storminator (536)
    kangxi (351)
    Old Tofu (283)
    Karl Lewis (212)
    Soong (134)
    FullofStars (117)
    Gropegrope (103)
    smeg (52)

    Thank You To The Patreons!

    It goes without saying, but this entire thing would not be possible without the help of the site’s Patreons:
    karl lewis

    2022 In Memoriam:


    2022’s Best Comments:

    12 votes: Karl Lewis on Florida surgeon general: Masks ‘never’ saved lives during pandemic:
    I don’t expect to ever understand the performative stupidity of the MAGA Right. Jebus. Do they argue that masks on surgeons are just there for show? WTAF is WRONG with these people?

    12 votes: Bolthorn on Republican Sen. Mike Braun says Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage:
    Just by him saying this in the year 2022 means that he’s wrong because he’d be fighting like hell to make it not legal in his state. Reading the article, this dude is just a backwards bigot in general. He can fuck off.

    11 votes: Karl Lewis on Washington State trooper who refused to get vaccinated dies of COVID-19:
    Man… if ONLY we could figure out WHO had POLITICIZED the damned global pandemic. Because it seems like this whole anti-vax thing is flat out killing people. In any case, Darwin seems to be quite a demonstrative, if ruthless, instructor. Oddly, he’s not as effective as one might expect.

    11 votes: Gropegrope on G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’:
    So now the entire Republican party is participating in treason….? Officially.

    11 votes: Karl Lewis on Disney’s Special District Tells Ron DeSantis to Cough Up $1 Billion or STFU:
    Florida Lawmakers failed to read or understand their own laws. Who could have seen THAT coming? I mean, who could have imagined that performative stupidity wasn’t a viable governing strategy? Quelle surprise.

    11 votes: Bolthorn on Disney’s Special District Tells Ron DeSantis to Cough Up $1 Billion or STFU:
    DeSantis isn’t very good at foresight.

    10 votes: Karl Lewis on Ruben Gallego Rips NRA and GOP After School Slaughter: ‘Fuck You Ted Cruz’ and ‘Fuck Your Prayers’:
    After careful, consideration I have decided that Rep. Gallego is correct. “Fuck you!” is the only response any Democrat offers to any Republican talking point, faux outrage, or whatever, from now until the end of time.

    9 votes: storminator on Washington State trooper who refused to get vaccinated dies of COVID-19:
    Fucking POETIC.

    9 votes: Bolthorn on Florida surgeon general: Masks ‘never’ saved lives during pandemic:
    Let’s go back to not making doctors wash their hands between handling a corpse and performing surgery while we’re at it! Anyone that constantly spouts out “You know” while giving a speech is full of shit.

    9 votes: Bolthorn on Republican county clerk indicted in scheme to leak voting-machine passwords:
    We found someone trying to commit a whole bunch of voter fraud that conservatives love to crow about. Although the caw was coming from inside their own party.

    For the first time ever, no British fans were arrested at the World Cup

    OK, so maybe having no alcohol isn’t all bad. There were no arrests among fans of England or Wales at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

    Is Winning In A Casino All About Luck?

    The age-old debate over whether gambling success should be ascribed to skill or chance continues today. A combination of both is the short answer to this question. Many casino games require a combination of skill and luck to win. In blackjack and video poker, players can utilize strategy to increase their chances of winning and getting the best casino bonus throughout the game. You can improve your possibility of success at an online casino if you understand that luck and tactics play a factor in the outcome of a game. Chance determines how much talent is required to play. Take, for example, the best slots for real money in slot machines.

    Casino, gambling and entertainment concept – roulette table and stack of poker chips

    Slot machines are grouped as games of luck because they do not require any talent to play. There is no way to foresee the game’s outcome because you do not influence how the reels spin. Covered below is:


    • Poker is a skill-based game.
    • Consistent winner, consistent talent (blind – bet).
    • Is soccer a game of luck?
    • The gambler’s fallacy.
    • Is it possible to prevail over the luck factor?
    • Is it probable to avoid luck?


    Poker as a Skill-Based Game


    Let’s start with poker because it is, more than any other game, the one that is most hotly contested in terms of skill vs. gambling factors. The ongoing effort in the United States and worldwide to acknowledge poker as a skill game is critical to breaking free from the restrictions of the casino and its harsh gambling rules. As poker becomes more popular worldwide, more skilled players emerge who are generating a high income from the game. In reality, some judges in countries such as Russia are starting to view poker as a skill game. In essence, a difference must be drawn between poker abilities and pure gambling in casino games such as roulette. While the truism says that poker is 30 percent dexterity and 70 percent fortune for frivolous companies, it is the opposite for mavens.


    Poker is so prevalent these days, and so many companies deem they are accepting their skills to the game that they often lose sight of the authenticity that the game necessitates any luck at all. Reflect on the sum of ‘poor beat’ tales that thrive in online forums, and then deliberate how many gamers have paused to contemplate what type of game they’re taking part in. Few individuals will blame their poor performance because they’re participating in a game that is basically a game of chance.


    Consistent Winner, Consistent Talent


    Steven D. Levitt and Thomas J. Miles investigated a group of highly competent poker players during the 2010 World Series of Poker. The average return on investment (ROI) for that group of participants was above 30%, compared to a -15 percent for all other players in the competition. Why do the top players in the world consistently reach final tables at major events if poker is a game of pure luck, as many jurisdictions throughout the globe believe?


    While calculating odds does play a role in poker, as we saw in our first example – after all, a big portion of the game is based on the turn of a card – there are so many other aspects to the game that it can never truly be considered a game of chance. While there must be a loss for every winner in poker, using poker talent helps top players overcome the luck aspect, allowing them to soar above a sea of players who are either losing a lot, a little or breaking even.


    Is Soccer a Game of Luck?


    According to Tom Tango, author of ‘The Book: Playing the Percentages in Baseball,’ luck plays a more prominent role in sports results than you might think if you only consider games where a team wins or loses. When Tango’s equations are applied to soccer during a normal 10-month season, differences in results attributable to luck account for roughly 35% of the overall variance (luck), leaving around 65% to ability. 

    This is excellent news for talented players because talent has almost double the impact on a team’s victory rate as chance does. However, this still indicates that around a third of a team’s victory rate is based solely on luck. Why isn’t soccer treated like poker as a game of chance if that’s the case? There are better chances of winning the game when played at some of the best slots for real money worldwide.


    The Gambler’s Fallacy 


    It is also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy, which is the improper impression that if something transpires more times than usual during a precise period, it will occur less often in the future, seemingly as a way of nature equalizing itself. This can happen in the form of sceneries, although it is most frequently connected with gaming, where such faults are prevalent. 


    The issue is that it is entirely improper. The most famous occurrence was in a game of roulette at a Monte Carlo casino in 1913, when the ball plummeted in black 26 times in a row (thus the name). Wagerers lost millions of dollars gaming against black, trusting that a long arrangement of red was unsettled.


    Is It Possible to Prevail Over the Luck Factor?


    Even in a game with a strong skill feature, such as poker, All companies will go penniless at some point — the luck may not be on the gamers’ side, even if they’re making rock-hard gaming choices. So, how can participants overcome the factor of chance? The modest option is to avoid them totally when it comes to casino games that depend so profoundly on luck. Okay, that’s a touch basic, but modest budget control is the key to long-standing victory in any match with odds. Game with a certain quantity of your finance, save your salaries while you’re ahead, and make only lucid choices.


    Chance, or luck, is a fragment of all we do. Getting hit by a van, earning a raffle prize, or being struck by lightning are all games of chance, and how you play your luck is just as vital as how you play your cards. Stick to games with beneficial house advantages, such as poker, study, attempt plans, do your research and make the changes work to your benefit. It’s either that or stop gaming entirely.


  • I’m A Former Stripper Running For Congress. I Refuse To Be Ashamed.

    “A few months back, age-old stigma and bigotry caused me to lose a job coaching in the sport that changed my life.”

    Ted Lasso Season 2

    Ted Lasso: Created by Brendan Hunt, Joe Kelly, Bill Lawrence, Jason Sudeikis. With Jason Sudeikis, Brett Goldstein, Brendan Hunt, Nick Mohammed. American college football coach Ted Lasso heads to London to manage AFC Richmond, a struggling English Premier League soccer team.

    As much as season one was about building the team and offering unrelenting optimism in the face of adversity, season two was about taking the stage built in S1 and seeing how things were still broken and watching it all fall apart, but with a heartfelt support system in place to make the pain less sharp. It’s still a great series, and I still highly suggest it.

    Buy On Amazon!


    Ted Lasso Socks

    Be a Goldfish! Believe! Your favorite soccer coach is hitting the pitch and taking over the Rock ’Em Team. Travel across the pond with our official Ted Lasso Sock collection. Officially licensed by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc


    Football Betting Tipsters Share Winning Strategies

    Football Betting Tipsters Share Winning Strategies

    Betting live on occasion can be a lot of fun and, if done right, extremely lucrative. Whether it’s horse racing, cricket, soccer, tennis, or any other sport you’re passionate about, bet live on football here can be much more profitable than direct betting or gambling, but only if you know! What he does!


    Final Score

    final score poster 202x300 Final Score

    After deadly terrorists abduct his niece at a soccer match, an ex-soldier with lethal fighting skills (Dave Bautista) wages a one-man war to save her and prevent mass destruction.

    Dave Bautista! 30 seconds of Pierce Brosnan! It’s like Die Hard set in a stadium full of people that don’t know they’re hostages and implausibly not a single one of them has to leave the stadium during the entire run of the movie, nor does anyone throw a tantrum when all the cell phones stop working.

    I enjoyed this for what it is, but boy howdy are there some silly bits in there.

    Rocket League

    Rocket League is a vehicular soccer video game developed and published by Psyonix. The game was first released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 in July 2015, with ports for Xbox One, OS X, Linux being released in 2016. 505 Games began distributing a physical retail version for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in June 2016.

    Described as “soccer, but with rocket-powered cars”, Rocket League has one to four players assigned to each of the two teams, using rocket-powered vehicles to push a ball into their opponent’s goal and score points over the course of a match. The game includes single-player and multiplayer modes which can be played both locally and online, including cross-platform play between the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows versions, as well as cross-play between Xbox One and Windows versions. Later updates for the game enabled the ability to modify core rules and adding new game modes, including ones based on ice hockey and basketball.

    Rocket League is a sequel to Psyonix’s Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, released in 2008 for the PlayStation 3. Battle-Cars received mixed reviews and was not a major success, but gained a loyal fan base. Psyonix continued to support themselves through contract development work for other studios while looking to develop a Battle-Cars sequel. Psyonix began formal development of Rocket League around 2013, refining the gameplay from Battle-Cars to address criticism and fan input. Psyonix also recognized their lack of marketing from Battle-Cars, and engaged in both social media and promotions, including offering the title as a free download for PlayStation Plus members on release, to market the game.

    Rocket League has been critically praised, earning a number of industry awards, and saw more than six million sales and at least 18 million unique players a year after its release. Rocket League has also been adopted as an eSport, with professional players participating through ESL and Major League Gaming, along with Psyonix’s own Rocket League Championship Series.

    Rocket League


    Cars and soccer, why not

    emma watson relaxs

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    she make my soccerors stone hard

    You put your left leg in

    Crazy Brits

    englischer-fan.jpg (144 KB)

    after being epicly def(ch)eated the british soccerhoes go crazy…

    Optical Illusions

    lol soccer.


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    vuvuzelas.jpg (415 KB)

    Apparently they are popular at South African Football/Soccer Events.

    Football vs Hand Egg

    football-handegg.jpg (102 KB)

    If you think eggs are shaped like a football, you’re an idiot – the kind of idiot who thinks no one in soccer ever uses their hands.

    Red Patch Boys

    RPB_1280.jpg (641 KB)

    Soccer club?

    Horned Hummingbird Lizard?

    HornedHummingBirdLizard.jpg (40 KB)

    Lizard with an identity Crisis? Or Hummingbird with a serious croc skin condition…
    Via DRB

    Ultimate Teabag

    Ultimate Teabag


    Motocross for Moms

    Motocross for Moms

    Soccermoms love this shit.

    Support Our Magnet Company

    I hate the magnetic sticker things that soccer moms and hippocrites everwhere put on their vehicles. So I found this on teh internets:


    EDIT: Oh the sweet irony. All the adverts on the site are showing magnetic sticker advertisements.