61 Search Results Found For: "beatles"

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MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-09-04

Here’s this week’s Top Stuff

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notspamming: Yes, there are muscle under there. That’s why a little workout, is a simplest way to make boobs look better.
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storminator: That is not a moose.
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Jac: Shouldn’t this be orange?
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Bolthorn: Fuck gerrymandering.
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Saborlas: Ben Shapiro can only “win” debates against people who don’t know how to debate. His strategy is to gish gallop and move the goalposts. Fucker straight up admitted that he’s never made his wife wet, and thinks that’s somehow a win against the song “WAP.”


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  • MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-08-28

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff 


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-08-21

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff

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    Saborlas: The first four faces were bad enough. Remember, that mountain is on unceded tribal land.


    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-08-14

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff

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    Bolthorn: Society.



    MV5BMTc2NTI3ODUwMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzkzMTE0NzM@. V1 SY1000 CR006311000 AL Yesterday

    A struggling musician realizes he’s the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles.

    Goldfinger review

    513 sa658nL Goldfinger

    To own Goldfinger (1964) on digital video disc is to have at your fingertips the proof that Sean Connery is the definitive James Bond. Dry as ice, dripping with deadpan witticisms, only Connery’s Bond would dare disparage the Beatles, that other 1964 phenomenon. No one but Connery can believably seduce women so effortlessly, kill with almost as much ease, and then pull another bottle of Dom Perignon ’53 out of the fridge. Goldfinger contains many of the most memorable scenes in the Bond series: gorgeous Shirley Eaton (as Jill Masterson) coated in gold paint by evil Auric Goldfinger and deposited in Bond’s bed; silent Oddjob, flipping a razor-sharp derby like a Frisbee to sever heads; our hero spread-eagle on a table while a laser beam moves threateningly toward his crotch. Honor Blackman’s Pussy Galore is the prototype for the series’ rash of man-hating supermodels. And Desmond Llewelyn makes his first appearance as Q, giving Bond what is still his most impressive car, a snazzy little number that fires off smoke screens, punctures the tires of vehicles on the chase, and boasts a handy ejector seat. Goldfinger‘s two climaxes, inside Fort Knox and aboard a private plane, have to be seen to be believed. –Raphael Shargel

    Source: Amazon.com


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    Abbey Road

    beatlesabbeyroad-143881.jpg (507 KB)

    Chickenwire Art

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    Revolver Remastered

    Beatles-Revolver.jpg (622 KB)
