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  • Newly obtained surveillance video shows fake Trump elector escorted operatives into Georgia county’s elections office before voting machine breach

    A Republican county official in Georgia escorted two operatives working with an attorney for former President Donald Trump into the county’s election offices on the same day a voting system there was breached, newly obtained video shows.

    perfectly fit

    Knit Your Bit (USA 1940s)

    Super cute with short hair

    Joan Jett, 1977.

    Porter Magazine, 2015.

    I’m tired but I can’t sleep, by Rob Bowyer

    Behind blue eyes 💙🎵

    “la question des ballons” by Léon Benett

    Pro-MAGA D.C. Cop Secretly Worked to Undermine Seth Rich Investigation

    A hard-nosed federal prosecutor was determined to figure out who killed the 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer. But someone with access to the case file had a different agenda


    A Roman Amphora filled with gold coins discovered in Como, Italy.

    why am I so turned on


    bean pizza

    Psylocke Cosplay by Self

    you are freaking out man

    Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice

    Diego Reyes, court martialled Starfleet commodore and disgraced former commander of space station Vanguard, discovers that his role in deciphering the truth about the Taurus Reach is not yet over. As friend and foe join forces in a separate peace against the threat of the Shedai — the godlike alien

    The Diego Reyes drama comes to a head and just when you thought it was the worst it could get for him, it gets worse! Then it gets even more worse! Then I bet you can’t believe this, it gets better. But then it gets worse! The poor guy really gets the runaround in this book, but he’s not even the most interesting story going on in, for that I’d have to say the crystal skull that everyone’s fighting over is the winner, as it’s the main focus of everyone in the book, even if they don’t know it.

    Another great entry in this series, looking forward to seeing what the next one brings, though from my understanding it’s a collection of short stories and not one large one.

    Buy On Amazon!


  • Protest against wearing a bra,1968


    Vanessa Huppenkothen

    Space Tree by TrungTin Shinji, Mayen Nguyen & Tram Anh

    Join me



    ROK Army AH-64E Guardian

    1966-2014. The telethon was a big deal in my house when I was growing up, and it carried well into adulthood. Just the fun of staying up late to see the odd assemblage of celebrities. I miss the telethon.

    [OC] This is my movie seat for NOPE tonight. Actually stupid

    Main character isn’t a cishet white guy=political/woke

    Amazing Spider-man #84 pg9 by Paco Medina

    abandoned fortress on top of a mountain at 1,920 meters


    ‘La La Land’ Premiere at 73rd Venice Film Festival 31st August 2016

    “G-8 And His Battle Aces” (1933) by Frederick Blakeslee

    White Snake by kawacy on DeviantArt


    Interior pulp illustration by Edd Cartier

    Hell by Xiao Botong

    Madison Beer


    Vanity Fair Oscar party, 2014



    Legal analyst says Trump may have already sold Classified Documents missing from dozens of empty folders and should be arrested

    This is my favorite meme

    Ella Balinska

    Francesca Piccinini

    Looking great

    Jenna Coleman

    Horror Honey.