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  • My[Legal Fund]Space Update

    Words cannot describe how I feel every time I see one of you opening your hearts (and wallets, geez, remember those things?)  I’ve been holding off on an update because of things that were moving so quickly behind the curtains, and while I don’t have a specific update to give about specifics I can give you a generalized update in which I’m completely and absolutely stoked to not announce things, but to vaguely gesture at the state of things and make a plea for additional funding.

    I’ve had at least 3 hours of meetings with the legal team which seems to be snowballing into an actual thing in which things are getting done and plans are being made, all with the looming possibility that the legal system won’t exactly understand what the situation is or fall for some of the absolutely bonkers accusations that the opposing dips have made in federal court.

    The one good thing that I can report though is that the lurkers of MCS have really come out in droves to show support.  I know that there’s been a long held belief that most people that visit websites just lurk around, no account, no comments, and barely submit any OG, with only about 2%-5% talking or posting original content, but boy howdy have you guys really come through when I needed you!  Just in the last week we’ve hit the 20% mark for the legal fund which is both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

    Speaking of, if you’d like to throw a few dollars into the fund, the absolute best way is to paypal to webmaster@myconfinedspace.com or visit the MCS Legal Defense Fund donation page and make it a recurring donation then I’ll do my best to give you MCS+ for the duration! Stop by the discord channel if you don’t see the benefits of MCS+ within 24 hours of your donation!

    The second best way is to join the MCS Patreon at any of the levels that you feel most comfortable.

    The third way is to send thoughts and prayers.  As your residential deity, I’ll hear them no matter how you send them!

    MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2023-08-04

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff


    The Establishment of a MCS Legal Fund needs your help!

    Back in January of 2023 MCS’s registered DMCA agent received an email from an attorney trying to get us to disclose our insurance police information to them, which felt like a new attempt at a scam or spear phishing attack, but like all messages sent to the DMCA agent, it was treated as a legitimate DMCA take down notice, and the content was removed within a few hours of the report. The requesting attorney was informed of this, but they chose to ignore the emails we sent back to them, then opened another email thread with another attorney or paralegal (they were never very clear on who exactly they were), and the end of that conversation lead me to believe that they were well aware of our nature as a community of bloggers / image enthusiastic weirdos.

    Then in June MCS’s parent company was served with a lawsuit saying that we’d essentially time traveled to 2014 when an image was copywritten, then intentionally posted that copyrighted image in 2012, and went out of our way to strip the image of all the copyright information from the image.  They didn’t mention that during those time travel shenanigans that someone had added words to the images that said “coat hangers really bring out the child in you” and “the joke is abortion”, an obviously crass and low brow attempt at humor, something that we here at MCS excel at.

    Salma Hayek

  • Selena Gomez TikTok Boobs

    Selena Gomez TikTok Boobs originally appeared on Videos on June 28, 2023.

    Marilyn Monroe

    Emma Watson

    Adult themes

    This Alien Egg Planter Thankfully Does Not Host a Facehugger

    While they usually host terrifying Facehuggers, these Alien egg planters will be a home to your inoffensive house plants instead! From BespokeGiftsStudio: 3D printed Alien egg planters. With drainage! Two styles, style A is our interpretation of the original egg and style B is more styled after the later versions I usually do a coat […]


    Meta has no choice but to sell Giphy at $262M loss to Shutterstock

    With UK forcing a sale and GIFs losing popularity, Meta was bound to take a hit.

    Dove Cameron

    Hit the jackpot

    Cool beans

    Alexandra Daddario

    Hailee Steinfeld

    Grace looks so cute