Soviet bionic boots, Tekhnika Molodezhi, 1983.

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  • No soup for you!

    90s Drew Barrymore

    That face.

    Nina Dobrev


    ‘Reverse Freedom Rides’: An echo of Martha’s Vineyard migrant flights 60 years ago

    Tricked by segregationists with promises of work and housing, Black families were dropped in Cape Cod with nothing. Sound familiar?

    huge vertical wallpaper of star wars spaceships having a war in the stars

    Sindbad Fish City by Jared Muralt

    Blake Lively

    From the March 22, 1952 Collier’s magazine. This Von Braun inspired space station comes from the article “Man Will Conquer Space Soon” Artist is Willy Ley. Link to a story on the original article in comments.

    White and Purple Petal Flower Focus Photography (1920 X 1080)

    Parkview Square, Singapore

    Noah Premiere

    fully loaded train

    a curious custom indeed

    Wielding fire and lightning – Bonfire Stars by Martechi

    Sketch Ninja1 by Aleksey Bayura

  • “Upper East Side” [3840×2160]

    She’s camping

    Chesley Bonestell: ‘Exploring Mars’, 1953

    Hug me

    Kristen Bell

    Dua Lipa

    Nazis are always going to Nazi

    The future of human exploitation?

    TIFF Portrait


    art from The Pentateuch of the Cosmogony (1979) by Patrick Woodroffe


    EXIT, by me.


    Pre-colonization Glass Gem Corn, Indigenous to North America, regrown by a Cherokee farmer.

    Fighter Jets illustration by Mel Hunter

    “Fiscally Responsible”, Y’all

    It’s called Immersion Harold!


    Tyranid Harridan by Billy Christian


    Redundant sign is redundant

    Emilia Clarke

    Cyberpunk Wuppertal Train

    what a balcony view

    I hear they have electricity & air conditioning there! And no Greg Abbott too!


    Look at this shit I found at Walmart!

    Ancient & Future by artist Patryk Olkiewicz