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  • Explosion hits Crimean Bridge, damaging Russian supply route to Ukraine

    The $4 billion bridge, linking mainland Russia to the illegally-annexed Ukrainian peninsula, is a symbol of Vladimir Putin’s ambitions to dominate Ukraine

    A 1950s IBM computer brochure

    Salma Hayek

    Space Suit v1 by Luis Carrasco

    Chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge required that a net be placed underneath. It saved 19 lives


    Stop it [3840×2160]

    SLU T-Mom




    Biden Calls Out ‘Socialist Republicans’ Now Begging for Money From Program They Voted Down

    Reading from a CNN report, the president listed several GOP lawmakers who trashed the infrastructure bill before asking the admin for money from the legislation.

    Masturbation Notice

    UNFUN…but also FUNNY

    Nicole Mann: Astronaut becomes first Native American woman in space

    The old tanker ship from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.

    cross over tracks

    Unused reservoir. Oregon.

    Sully & Mike

    Kate Winslet

  • hidden rail

    Truck bomb hits bridge to Crimea, hurts Russian supply lines

    KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — An explosion Saturday caused the partial collapse of a bridge linking the Crimean Peninsula with Russia, damaging a key supply artery for the Kremlin’s faltering war effort in southern Ukraine.

    Selena, by Xavier Beaudlet

    secure door

    Herschel Walker centers pitch to Republicans on ‘wokeness’

    EMERSON, Ga. (AP) — Herschel Walker pitches himself as a politician who can bridge America’s racial and cultural divides because he loves everyone and overlooks differences.

    In response to today’s news.

    “Petal Dance” [3840×2160]

    The Incredible Hulk Returns. Thor (Eric Kramer), Donald Blake (Steve Levitt), Dr. David Banner (Bill Bixby), Hulk (Lou Ferrigno), and Stan Lee. 1988

    Liberation Day by Joan Piqué Llorens


    Definition of Fuck… (1440×3120)

    A photo of my mom from the year 1981.

    Shailene Woodley

    I need a sign


    Dolly Parton in 1988


    World’s Largest Highway Intersection, Cambridge, Ohio. (I-70 and I-77) Over half the size of a country.


    Star seeker , by admiral Kamikaze

    Hilary in NYC 9/26/16

    Dr. Oz be like, “Animal Abuse? Hey Romney, hold my non-alcoholic beer!”

    Chthulu piece for Kraken Wargames by James Hayball

    Dear Autocorrect…. It’s Never Duck! (1440×3120)

    A Rule of Acquisition a day keeps the Liquidators at bay!

    leggy baseball

    Jane Fonda, 1958.

    City of Millions by Jarvinart

    Sally Field as Gidget in 1965

    Me, Every day on this subreddit 🥲

    Terra Extra #168 cCover art (c. 1962-68) by Karl Stephan