dots eyes wallpaper (1920×1080)

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  • Vietnamese Airborne Infantry with their Mi-171 during training [1440×668]

    Will Someone wipe Ronnie’s Nose?

    You see, this is why we can’t have nice things

    Nerf Star Wars

    Wrap Around Wallride City

    Oblivion Song

    A decade ago, 300,000 citizens of Philadelphia were suddenly lost in Oblivion. The government made every attempt to recover them, but after many years, they gav

    I stopped buying single comics that didn’t have “Star Trek” in their title right as this series was wrapping up and I just finally got the time to read through the final couple issues, and boy howdy do I wish I had stuck with the series when it was being published, just so I could have taken part in the discussions that were happening at the time about the resolution of the story. It ends about how I expected it to, now that I’ve seen how Kirkman ends his stories, in that he doesn’t seem to want to have finality at the end of the series, but instead wants a sense that the story continues on without us as an audience, though several pages are dedicated to catching up with the main characters several years down the line. This is less of a complaint than it is an observation, as I’m perfectly happy with the entire series, including how it concluded. There’s three tradepaper backs out now that collect the entire thing, so if you have the opportunity, I’d highly suggest checking it out.

    Buy On Amazon!


    rate the fits

    Psylocke by Miguel Mercado

    Need information about this 1918 poster

    ”WE MUST FINISH THE NICARAGUA CANAL – Uncle Sam: I’ll have to cut that canal! See how easy I could relieve [George] Dewey and protect our coast. NO MORE »OREGON BUSINESS« FOR ME” – American cartoon from ”Judge” magazine (artist: Victor Gillam), June 1898

    Task Group – Iron and Crimson (Martechi on Deviantart)

    “festive” alfredo

    Colourful Flowers (2024×3600)

    Syd Mead – Techo Fantasy Art

    Republican logic on gun safety

    Crater pool [1920 x 1080]

    Official 343 Artwork

  • Batman, The Dark Knight Returns

    Hilary in How I Met Your Father – Season 2

    Caption Contest!!

    Alien Vabel by artist Aamir Art

    Sydney Sweeney

    Sign at an elementary school in Texas

    Scarlet Rogue – by Bob Kehl

    1963 Cadillac XP825 Concept.


    Big smiley face


    Perrie Edwards

    Reminder: Congress has the power to declare war, Red states have the National Guard & “wELl rEgUlaTed MiLitIaS”, and math and science are difficult for Q-Ron’s who don’t believe in gravity.

    Choose your Alexandra Daddario

    Can you tell that i’m a bit cold?

    Vision of the Future by Ari Ibarra

    pink bikini

    In the Netflix series ‘Maniac’

    Things that make you go…🤔

    A French opium party, 1918

    The Nostromo’s computer, MOTHER.


    so I woke up

    sketch by Alex Jay Brady

    Mayfair Witches Episode 5


    clowns is the correct term

    700 metres of fiber needs to be replaced due to vandalism

    DIY Air Filter from online

    Norway’s Air Mobile Protection Team member during the UN operation MINUSMA. Gao, Mali [2160×3240]

    Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia