Rachel Stevens

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  • ghetto blaster



    skull planet

    Snowfall in Seoul , South Korea


    ‘Pro-Life’ Senators Block Bill to Protect IVF

    Without Roe v. Wade, abortion bans with “life begins at conception” language leave IVF with an uncertain—possibly criminal—future.



    Spaceship doodle by Artur Fast

    pipe tree

    Atlantis Labyrinth Nebula

    Rogue Trooper G.I growing up by Hardy Lynch

    Boys will be boys

    Having to pay to use the bathroom

    Alcazar Baths in Sevilla


    Im excited for it, but it still cracks me up comparing them

  • A soldier of the State Security Service of Azerbaijan [640×960]


    Emma Frost by WeijiC

    Ali Ahmed Aslam, inventor of chicken tikka masala, dies at 77

    The chef said he devised the recipe for ‘Britain’s favourite curry’ after a customer complained that his meal was too dry

    VR Falconry

    Florida’s effort to charge 20 people with voter fraud has hit some roadblocks

    Months after the controversial arrests, one case ended with a plea deal and at least three have been dismissed. And attorneys say Florida’s cases face a tough road — even if they make it to trial.

    Does this mean we can finally bring Moriarty back??

    doggy patio

    fishing for trucks

    The blood moon rises

    First look from her movie “Reality”

    Terrible Haircuts

    A subtle difference

    Predjama Castle

    An ancient Chinese library at night [1920×1080]

    The Girl in the Mirror HD Wallpaper

    Collect ’em all

    Moon Festival, by me

    large screen computer

    Entirely man-made. Deep enough to dive into. Fire lit from gas line. Pumps, water heaters…. 🤔🥰💦

    Seen on Reno, east of Post. Oklahoma City, OK.

    Ocean Temp Regulators by Erik Halsey

    Giantic steelbridge, germany. the structure is more than 1000 meters long.

    All hail your corporate overlords.

    Dark Knights of Steel #10 Variant by Jorge Molina

    ghetto blaster


    Do you think Sidious slept? Was he paranoid of dying the same way as his master? Maybe it wasn’t the lightning that made him so ugly, maybe it was all the sleepless nights….

    The Stygian Library #1.1 [2041×3628][9:16]

    tall cat

    built like you eat