Firebird by Exolorian / Shaun

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  • Moonboy Chronicles – The Long Winter by Dariusz Kieliszek

    The Doom Slayer [3238×5758][9:16]


    Six months’ supply of my Humira injections, worth approximately $47,600

    My new fav pic of my cat Molly, staring at the pretty lights. Look at the reflections in her eye!

    Thanks, I hate this concept book cover

    Frozen Face

    ”CONGRATULATIONS ARE NOW IN ORDER” – American cartoon from ”Puck” magazine (artist: Louis Dalrymple), November 1896

    Parade of IS-3 Tanks

    Delivery notification email confirmed package has been dropped off (at mom’s)

    saw this downtown..


    Deborah Gomes

    Happy Holidays. Enjoy Your time off. Brought to you by Unions!

    I FOUND MY 10MM!

    Selena Gomez

    Off to business law class 1981. Got married 3 years later and still my best friend to this day!

    Airborn Holiday Card 2017 by Airborn Studios

  • Smiley face

    “I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” – Calvin. Drew it from reference.

    We want your kitchen waste (between 1939 and 1946)


    Jarah Mariano

    BAMF by ribkaDory

    Over the time of development, NPCs are subjected to numerous changes before making it to their final iteration. We’d like to share with you one of such journeys – meet the Blacksmith 🔥

    Galactic core warpstorm by Chetan_Creation

    need a name, by me

    Zoey Deutch

    I’ve seen some people online say that they want Yelena and Bucky as a romance in Thunderbolts…I really don’t know how to feel about that.

    Noodles by me

    SANTA SAN ― Space suit by Mame Usagi


    Hayley Marie

    this bottle shaped office building

    Amy Acker

    Heineken’s Christmas ad for this year. The bent beer caps form a snowy Christmas tree.

    “Let our fate be a warning to you.” Mausoleum at Majdanek, Poland. A giant dome covers a massive urn containing a mountain of real human ash, of ~78,000 cremated victims of the former Nazi death camp.

    Good boy posing with soldiers 1943

    Lower parel, Mumbai, 10 years apart

    Arkham Knight (Batman) [2160×3840][9:16]

    ‘Through strength, I gain power.’

    Twitter polls?

    Eclipse in the Forest (2160×4800)

    My cover to Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe of Horrors for Archie Comics

    Training——Evil Aliens by artist RAY 84

    Batman / Spawn Variant Cover by Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson [1080×1920]

    Suitcases left from families sent to concentration camps. A family, a life.

    Canyonlands [5120×2880]

    Frankfurter Queen, 1956. (Photo by Hebrew National).