Imperial Gunship Concept by me (Blender)

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  • War of the Bounty Hunters Omnibus

    All-out war engulfs the Star Wars galaxy! Notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett has finally landed his greatest prize – Han Solo, frozen in carbonite. But Solo is about to become one highly sought-after smuggler! The rebels want their friend back, the Empire seeks revenge on one of its greatest enemies, and other bounty hunters have their eyes on a big payday – but what moves will the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate make? Featuring Darth Vader, Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Valance, Doctor Aphra and more! Collecting: Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha (2021) 1, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters (2021) 1-5, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters – Jabba The Hutt (2021) 1, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters – 4-Lom & Zuckuss (2021) 1, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh (2021) 1, Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters – Ig-88 (2021) 1, Star Wars (2020) 13-18, Star Wars: Bounty Hunters (2020) 12-17, Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) 12-17, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra

    I bought all these single issues back when they were released in 2021, bagged and boarded them, then put them in a “to be read” pile on my desk. I’ve finally dug deep enough into that pile to read through them and what I found was a Star Wars story that could have been told in just 5 issues, but Marvel chose to do what Marvel does and released 25+ issues of various issues ranging from duplicate content from a different POV to issues with art and story that were so good that it’s a shame it wasn’t in the mainline mini series. It was a fun read and I was able to get through it in a single day, but I think I could have taken a week or so to just soak in the art.

    Buy On Amazon!


    I laughed and then I thought about it.

    Sir Jorio by Angelica Donarini

    Imperialist Manoeuvre – Urizica 1954

    Jessica Alba


    Surf’s up

    Digital Drawing Iron man, made by me in krita.

    Kim Novak mid 1950’s

    Explain a plot badly

    Kristen Stewart

    How many A-Holes we got here?

    Hailee Steinfeld

    Scarlett Johansson

    Scarlett Johansson

    Ace of Wands by artist Flora Silve


    selena gomez

  • THE BACTA WAR (Paul Youll)

    Christina Ricci

    Tennis Time

    “Housemother” – From my mother’s nursing school yearbook – 1968. She said the nursing dorm had several housemothers that would make sure boys didn’t visit the dorm and girls didn’t stay out past an early curfew.

    Alison Brie

    Emilia Clarke

    Electrohome Chair

    German soldiers sitting on a barrel of a KV-2 tank

    Heron by Marcel Deneuve


    George Santos – soviet world record swimmer (1976)

    “We need quality not quality 😤” “Wait why are projects being delayed 🥺”

    it’s coming, just you wait.

    Lamborghini Urus as if it was designed in the 70’s

    Spiral by Uncannyknack

    Lion’s Mane Jellyfish that washed ashore in Maine. The largest one ever recorded had a 7-foot wide bell and 120-foot long tentacles (210 centimeters by 36.6 meters).

    Flower [2425×4937]

    Iron patriot

    Leather & Cookies AXE Spray

    LA Sunset by urbanguero [2730×5484]

    Minimalist 2023 Background [2565 x 5336 px]

    We could finally afford our dream pizza

    All-New Wolverine by Hannah Klein

    Quanxi by Nina Merigold [self]

    Consumption Machine by Alexandr Poda

    the telefot system, part of a romance on the year 2660, published in Modern Electronics 1911

    Milly alcock

    Angela Bermúdez as Pepper Potts


    ‘Remembar the Amritsar incident! – British brutality is the enemy of entire Asia, of all mankind’. A Japanese leaflet appealing to Indians, reminding them about the 1919 Amritsar massacre. 1943-44.

    Every time I see the “raised-fist Josh Hawley” photo