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  • Surf’s up

    Digital Drawing Iron man, made by me in krita.

    Kim Novak mid 1950’s

    Explain a plot badly

    Kristen Stewart

    How many A-Holes we got here?

    Hailee Steinfeld

    Scarlett Johansson

    Scarlett Johansson

    Ace of Wands by artist Flora Silve


    selena gomez

    THE BACTA WAR (Paul Youll)

    Christina Ricci

    Tennis Time

    “Housemother” – From my mother’s nursing school yearbook – 1968. She said the nursing dorm had several housemothers that would make sure boys didn’t visit the dorm and girls didn’t stay out past an early curfew.

    Alison Brie

    Emilia Clarke

  • Electrohome Chair

    German soldiers sitting on a barrel of a KV-2 tank

    Heron by Marcel Deneuve


    George Santos – soviet world record swimmer (1976)

    “We need quality not quality 😤” “Wait why are projects being delayed 🥺”

    it’s coming, just you wait.

    Lamborghini Urus as if it was designed in the 70’s

    Spiral by Uncannyknack

    Lion’s Mane Jellyfish that washed ashore in Maine. The largest one ever recorded had a 7-foot wide bell and 120-foot long tentacles (210 centimeters by 36.6 meters).

    Flower [2425×4937]

    Iron patriot

    Leather & Cookies AXE Spray

    LA Sunset by urbanguero [2730×5484]

    Minimalist 2023 Background [2565 x 5336 px]

    We could finally afford our dream pizza

    All-New Wolverine by Hannah Klein

    Quanxi by Nina Merigold [self]

    Consumption Machine by Alexandr Poda

    the telefot system, part of a romance on the year 2660, published in Modern Electronics 1911

    Milly alcock

    Angela Bermúdez as Pepper Potts


    ‘Remembar the Amritsar incident! – British brutality is the enemy of entire Asia, of all mankind’. A Japanese leaflet appealing to Indians, reminding them about the 1919 Amritsar massacre. 1943-44.

    Every time I see the “raised-fist Josh Hawley” photo

    I’m Fine, Really


    Spicy Cheeto Nails

    My great grandmother (circa 1950)

    Texas standing in the stairwell [Arknights]

    Kevin McCarthy can only bang the gavel on his own crotch.