Funny Cats In Battle Armor (21 pics)

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  • Alice from Nikke by sixtutu622

    ‘Atomic Annie’ fires a 280mm ‘Artillery Fired Atomic Projectile (AFAP)’ called Grable as part of the wider Operation Upshot–Knothole nuclear tests (11 tests in all). It was the first artillery delivered nuclear projectile. Photo taken on May 25, 1953 [2945×2338]



    It takes a special kind of stupid to accept lies about something we all watched happen in real time.

    Moscow, Golyanovo district.

    Rocky Headland, Elgin, Isle of Skye, Scotland (Part of the Windows 7 Blue Water Theme Pack) [1920×1200]

    A handy fight to the death

    The hierarchy of power has changed forever

    “Rectify”. Photography. Me.


    Cadets from all the military academies of the Bulgarian People’s Army at the Freedom Monument (1977) 579 x 573]



    Florida surgeon general wrong on vaccines and bad at his job, CDC and FDA say

    Ladapo has repeatedly peddled falsehoods about COVID-19 vaccines.

    USS Aventine tests her Quantum Slipstream Drive (by thefirstfleet) 4096×2304

    ‘Is it fair to force your baby to smoke cigarettes?’ — British anti-smoking advert issued by the Health Education Council, 1974.

    Annotate by Stella Spente

  • First appointment at new doctor just got more serious..

    Sydney Sweeney

    Tax funded healthcare doing the job thoughts and prayers can’t.

    Original Sesame Street cast, 1969

    Akola-2SP interstellar transport ship – by me

    Van go

    Looking out for Career Opportunities

    rock side bed

    F32 Ginette is so hot in blue

    Online booking systems bad


    1940 print ad for the Cadillac Sixty Special with a cool transport building and monorail behind.

    This faux downtown has no meaningful connection to its surroundings

    Thanks, I hate Norton condom

    The Efteling entrance this morning

    Transcontinental Flyer by Harry Grant Dart, 1909


    Stairway to Heaven [1920×1080]

    Mysterious Black Hole AI Generated Wallpaper [1920×1080]

    Red head takes Jamaica :)

    Hydrocorp by Quentin Bouilloud

    Yogg Saron by artist Jorge Jacinto

    Crashed glider by Adolf Lachman

    View of Acropolis from the Philopappos Hill in the Morning, Athens, Greece

    Thanks, I hate the ideal beach body

    Seems to be working

    aluminum falcon blocks

    Are you ready to drown in my eyes?

    MagicCon Minneapolis Key Art, Billy Christian [3840 x 1920]


    2ID conducting CQB training with SCBAs, South Korea [1440×1800]