Lucy Liu, 1990s

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  • meirl

    Rebecca Ferguson

    Raquel Welch 1982

    we all know

    Katy Perry

    Anne Hathaway

    Natalie Wood (1966)

    Sydney Sweeney

  • Every Fiscal Year Dammit!😬

    Sarah Bolger

    Walter and The Dude 1998


    Dua Lipa


    Caroline Munro -1970

    “Anna” Review

    Anna: Directed by Luc Besson. With Sasha Luss, Helen Mirren, Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy. Beneath Anna Poliatova’s striking beauty lies a secret that will unleash her indelible strength and skill to become one of the world’s most feared government assassins.

    I was directed to watch this by a member of the community, to whom I am now indebted to for introducing me to Sasha Luss. The story is familiar enough, but there’s enough of a fun wrinkle to the entire thing to make it feel fresh enough to make a well studied concept like “woman brought into a world of spies and takes over” and makes it fun to watch.

    Buy On Amazon!

    Lily Collins

    “Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows” Review

    Hitman Hart: Wrestling with Shadows: Directed by Paul Jay. With Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Blade Hart. Documentary focusing on the career of pro wrestler Bret Hart & his controversial exit from the WWF.

    I swear to god I’m not going to get into wrestling, but this was mentioned in a podcast I was listening to and was 100% better than the podcast itself was. Very informative and well made, peak wrestling entertainment.

    Buy On Amazon!

    Isla Fisher

    Daily Standup 2024-02-29

    In which I scream for Freedom

    I wonder what could it be…


    The Marvels BTS