Zasz (976)
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Registered 2007-08-11 18:43:08

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Recent Comments from Zasz

  • Comment on stealth bomber (2011-03-13 00:08:23)
    This troll made me laugh hard.
  • Comment on The good thing about pooping. (2011-03-11 17:59:05)
    You lose more weight when you take a good piss.
  • Comment on Joker applause (2011-02-26 12:59:39)
    Fun fact: Heath improved this.
  • Comment on A-10 Gun (2011-02-22 17:34:46)
    That's actually a myth about the A-10 gun causing a stall. It would only happen if you were literally 1kt above the stall speed, flying straight and level, then fired the gun. This is (obviously) never done. Stuff to consider: 1. The average thrust of the engines on an A-10 is about 18,000Lb. The recoil of the gun is only about 10,000Lb. 2. The gun is fired in a dive. 3. The gun would still have to overcome the momentum of the pane in motion. The A-10 has enough ammo on board to fire continuously at 3900RPM for 18.06 seconds. Even without the engine going, this is not long enough to slow the plane down enough that it can't restart the engine ans fly safely. Don't get me wrong, the plane does slow down, but not nearly as much as you'd think. The 2-3 second bursts more less come from the fact it's shooting at small targets (tanks) and with a gun like that you don't need continuous fire (I'm sure you've see the freakin' CRATERS the rounds make).
  • Comment on Charlie.. (2011-02-21 00:29:01)
    Say what you want about him but even a broken clock is right twice a day. Consider how much money, time and man hours are invested into following the menial bullshit that celebs do. Now imagine all that devoted to something worthwhile.
  • Comment on Dead Space 2 (2011-02-17 03:16:14)
    What kills games like this is how people play them. Deadspace isn't the scariest game out there by far but, still, don't play it in a well lit room, midday, with a TV on in the other room. Turn the lights off, up the sound and bass, keep the gamma where it is and immerse yourself! (and don't play it on friggin' easy mode)
  • Comment on The smarter you are, the weaker I am (2011-02-17 03:03:00)
    Personal philosophies can be whatever they want. That's what makes them so much fun.
  • Comment on galactus vs batman (2011-01-31 00:00:08)
    Bats is likely holding the Batimate Nullifier, hence why Galactus is scared. It's like the ultimate nullifier but its black, has a yellow bat symbol on it and...I dunno, a piece of kryptonite in it or something. And he can use it to breathe in space.
  • Comment on Valentina Tereshkova eating (2011-01-03 15:37:59)
    Sometimes launches can take awhile. Who knows how long she'd been sitting there. I forget which astronaut, but there was an instance where one was sitting in the command chair for hours and had to radio mission control to see if it was alright to pee in his suit (it was, the alternative would have been stop the launch, send a crew up to the command pod, get him out of his seat, get him out of his suit, get him to a bathroom and likely scrub the launch for that day).
  • Comment on FIAT - Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (2011-01-02 21:56:00)
    Fix It Again, Tony!
  • Comment on f-35 (2011-01-02 03:20:07)
    It was either that, or this hideous looking thing: I think they chose right.
  • Comment on Snow Under A Microscope (2010-12-31 03:15:50)
    You are not a unique snowflake! You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else!
  • Comment on Metro Parking Fail (2010-12-31 03:00:26)
    This is why I try not to over analyze park jobs. Ya never know what was in the parking spaces around the supposed "asshole" which caused him to park like that in the first place. Then again, if he parked directly over the yellow line and purposely took up two spots then you'd have something. This is just reaction to another idiot who can't park (ie, park far the fuck away, like the infinity did)
  • Comment on Ace combat: Assualt Horizon (2010-12-28 02:25:22)
    Wow they even have the JSF/F35 utilizing hard points. Only thing I'm not too keen about is it being in the real world. The AC series can take a lot more liberties (aka, superweapons, F5s flying in the same era as F22s, etc) in their fictional universes.
  • Comment on Tree of life (2010-12-27 03:34:51)
    If you climb it, is Odin waiting at the top to kick you off for being a stupid mortal and climbing his tree?
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