xcanadian (322)
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Registered 2007-05-02 19:18:42

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Recent Comments from xcanadian

  • Comment on My Depressed Cat (2010-10-18 09:30:48)
    We have a cat that lost the same leg. He'll be rough and really awkward for a few weeks but he'll amaze you with his recovery.
  • Comment on Psychic Burger (2010-06-18 20:55:53)
    credit where credit is due... http://www.superpoop.com/index.php
  • Comment on Ricky Gervais on being an atheist (2010-06-08 11:36:55)
    Atheism isn't a religion as there are no core beliefs that require faith, no deity to worship and no dogma to follow. Do you know what religion means?
  • Comment on Ricky Gervais on being an atheist (2010-06-08 10:28:56)
    Are you a troll or do you not understand burden of proof? The atheist argument is already proven since there is no evidence of a god. The faithful bear the onus of proving their faith since they are the ones making fantastic claims. I'm not butthurt at all over this. I'm honestly full of pity towards the faithful. The main reason anyone believes in religion is that their parents, or some other important person in their lives, told them to. It's all brainwashing and I am generally against brainwashing. The religious cannot prove any of their wild claims so they jump on the 'It's a matter of faith' argument. Of course with a statement like you make I am pretty sure you're a trollkin.
  • Comment on Ctrl + V (2009-06-19 15:50:21)
    Leighton Meester I was looking for her new sex tape on Mininova sadly it's not there... yet
  • Comment on Big Boy - Fuck You (2009-06-07 09:51:37)
    It's Pip-Boy newbs
  • Comment on America -v- Murrica aka Dumbfuckistan (2008-11-21 11:39:51)
    @mAgnUS BUTTfoorson: Umm yeah... I'm not American either but I don't think you make a jot of sense. But I do know you are a wee bit of a troll so have fun.
  • Comment on Liberate Marijuana (2008-11-10 16:11:19)
    RSIxidor, you aren't putting up any real argument here. Where's your reasoning? Alcohol was prohibited and then returned and you can hardly say it's turned to shit.
  • Comment on Where DOES emo come from? (2008-08-19 20:04:06)
    look closer... the bands get worse the farther down the digestive tract you go. Compare what you see near the mouth to what lies in the sphincter. One eats good punk and shits out emo.
  • Comment on Extremely Long Graffiti about Evolution (2008-06-12 11:05:49)
    lols dicknose, I can agree that we were talking about different kinds of evolution. ;)
  • Comment on Extremely Long Graffiti about Evolution (2008-06-12 10:55:25)
    ...and anyone that disagrees with the concept of evolution simply does not understand it. It's plain fact.
  • Comment on Extremely Long Graffiti about Evolution (2008-06-12 10:49:11)
    Of course evolution has nothing to do with the origin of life. That's called abiogenesis.
  • Comment on NSFW - Apple Ass (2007-10-28 21:27:09)
    fart differently
  • Comment on 1984 was not an instruction manual (2007-10-01 18:38:22)
    iddqd, Is that post just a really stupid joke/troll or are you honestly dumb as all fuck? I mean you can't honestly express yourself in that way and not be inconceivably stupid.
  • Comment on Hottie On Her Knees (2007-09-30 21:42:31)
    I love pixie chicks
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